NICE TRY NANCY: Secret Service REJECTS Pelosi’s Claims About ‘State of the Union’ Safety | Sean Hannity

The Secret Service corrected Speaker Pelosi’s recent claims that the President should delay his State of the Union address over safety concerns Wednesday; saying the agency is willing and capable to ensure politicians’ safety during the event.

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Today is the 16th. The State of the Union is scheduled for the 29th. Pelosi is convinced the shut down won’t end by then?

I hope Trump will go on television with Angel families standing behind him in the oval office and give the address anyway.

Pelosi wants to play chicken with Trump.


Grasping @ straws.


Nancy Pelosi is a grandstanding OLD amateur. She doesn’t deserve to work NEAR the professionals who protect our great country. She’s just a time-wasting Dem speaker (useless noise), and will never be an effective do-er deserving of our vote.

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Adverts work , so why not go on air clips showing demands for wall by the real Russia Agent, B H Obama, Hillary Clinton, Charlie Schumer, and all the schmegeggims

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My God , why isn’t she hanging by her neck already ? Seriously speed up the military tribunals for these traitors, please. Seriously everyone , we are dealing with pure evil, pray for our patriots that are fighting pure evil every day. They need our prayers as much or more than anything else.

She hasn’t figured out that he’s not going to budge, she’s playing chicken with the wrong person. Stand your ground President, have your SOTU from your office surrounded by Angel families!!! She doesn’t want his message going out to the entire US. The MSM can’t protect her then or spin their own story.

I sure hope Nancy does not have an AirForce plane like she did her last time flying here back and forth from San Francisco costing the taxpayers millions of dollars and she ran a booze bill of over $100K. Business class on a commercial airline is good enough for her. They have there schedules way in advance and if she has to deviate from that there are plenty of flights daily.

Most COMMON SENSE Americans know full well that the Secret Service is more than capable in protecting the President. Most also know full well that there is absolutely zero reasoning to “not” have the State of the Union address go on as scheduled. Shutdown, no shutdown, good times bad times, it should not matter! They call this “TRANSPARENCY”. In addition, most are also aware and intelligent enough to see through Ms. Pelosi’s “not” so subtle" method of creating problems where there are none, just for the sake of controversy, and “ALWAYS” with a questionable and nefarious agenda.
So Americans should ask ourselves, why is she doing this, why is she attempting to impede the event from moving forward and questioning the capabilities of the Secret Service, not to mention questioning her motives and that of her colleagues? Why does she appear to be concerned “now” about furloughed fed employees as the main reason for stopping President Trump’s address, especially when her actual track record indicates she really could care less? Most certainly good questions, and leaves the thought of what’s behind all of this, and how and when will the other shoe drop and reveal the “REAL” motives and answers?
My thoughts on this subject are simple! Ms. Pelosi, as Speaker is telling this President that she will “NOT” invite him to perform this address until he reopens the government. In other words “AN ULTIMATUM”, which by the way, was predicted to happen way back and is a coordinated attack in an effort to try and force this President to capitulate, and further make him look weak and bad. Trust me, Ms. Pelosi is 'NOT" an intelligent thinker, or a five chess moves ahead planner. In this she is just a puppet! She is however very educated, (in her own way) in the ways of her aged politics and of course can be very manipulating. She has had a lot of practice over the years, mostly bad and of no help to the American public. But all this still begs the question, why now, why his administration and why President Trump? Because “FORCING” and “MANIPULATION” is a Dem-on trait and right out of their playbook. Screw compromise, and most certainly throw away working on behalf of the American people. It’s all about politics, power and “WINNING”, (or I should say "WHINING!)
The other answer is again simple! They “H A T E” President Donald Trump, and the conservative movement, as it unseats their power structure, and attempts to hide their motives, and because they haven’t figured him out yet, they try different tactics in an effort to find a break in his armor. However the hate continues simply because they get extremely “FRANTIC” using various tactics they and many others have utilized but so far haven’t been successful in disrupting his process. President Trump is too versatile, energetic, and constantly evolving. But his core values do not nor will they ever change!
I honestly believe the dem-on’s including Pelosi, simply “DO NOT” want this President to have the microphone again or at any time to further inform and educate the American people. They do not want this President to foil their constant bombardment of propaganda, insults, lies and fake news they put forth 24/7/365.
It’s like the old adage! “Say it, tell it, show it and write about it so much and for so long, (the faker the better) the people will begin to believe it”, or so they think! “WRONG”!!! This means that President Trump and all of us who represent the majority of “COMMON SENSE” American’s who support him 110% needs to keep up the pressure on these bad actors by calling out the lies and fake news to as many people who will listen, because after all the only thing that is at stake is America itself! “PERIOD”

I hope she does lock the doors to the House chamber against the President. That would make a great back drop as he gives his address to the nation. I would make sure to tape the entire thing and save it to watch every time she sticks her face in front of the cameras.

Gee, Nancy…it is so obvious that God didn’t bless you with a brain…instead of that lie-filled tumor that is perched atop your shoulders…you pathetic, imbecilic, POFS poor excuse of a human being. I am actually surprised that you are still allowed to breathe our air, you unpatriotic, treasonous puke!

So Pelosi, wants security for herself and her little friends at the state of the union but non for us on the border? She is a true hypocrite. Thanks Nancy!

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I agree. Who does Pelosi think she is? President Trump is the President and I don’t think a “speaker of the house” should be calling the shots. I expect the President to give the SOTU Address as have many Presidents in the past. I hope the Angel Families will stand behind him and attend the event. Nancy Pelosi is responsible for all of the mess because she is drunk on power. She should be asked to step down because she has overstayed her term limits. She’s a vindictive power hungry shrew.

Irony here.
While not concerned about security of the ENTIRE NATION vis a vis protecting the citizens from illegal border crossings by dangerous criminals, drugs. those carrying infectious diseases, weapons, etc…But she is alleging that the Secret Service and Capitol POlice won’t be able to do their job of securing that Capitol and the grounds…
What a crock.

Oh…Pelosi has referred to the House Chamber as “my house”…
Pelosi is a prime example of left wing arrogance and elitism…

I thought the Senate and House were part of the PEOPLE 's House. Or does that only refer to the Whitehouse? If so, I guess we all know what Nancy thinks of the People.

It’s all gamesmanship to her, another word for it is Politics. President Trump should go ahead and announce that he’s declaring a National Emergency and get the wall built. Explaining just what is going on at the border. Don’t embellish anything, just state the facts and the dangers the country is facing with all the caravans getting ready to come to the United States. He should also make an Executive Order that people shouldn’t be released into the country to disappear. There should be some method to track down the visa overstays and the people that don’t report for their hearings and deport them.
