Next libs great hope

Really? Domestic abuse started with rap music? And domestic abuse happens far more often with alcohol than weed. Your trying to politicize every ■■■■■■■ thing and score points for your tribe off of beaten women is seriously pathetic and one of the things wrong with this country.

Yep, if anything should be apolitical it’s this topic, along with murder and other terrible things.

Its a problem that all political parties and walks of life share. We had Soldiers who committed acts of domestic abuse when I was still in the Army. We need to shine a light on this problem to help end it. Not use it to score political points.


There’s video? Get him the ■■■■ out of there.

There is a claim of video but no one has ever seen it.

■■■■■■■■■ all of it.

Is this like when Trump would creep on the teenage contestants of the beauty pageants?

Or is it closer to when he raped, as several have reported, the young girls?


Wasn’t too long ago, I had all sorts of nasty aspersions cast my direction for suggesting that people were innocent until proven guilty, even if they were men.

Where are all the demands for disavowal?

That’s rhetorical. I know exactly where they are. Waiting in the wings for the next republican to get caught jaywalking.

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What are you on about?

Everyone here has said that if he actually did something, he should pay the penalty.

They have also said that someone should provide evidence that he did something.

Exactly what I was lambasted for.

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One thing’s for sure. No dimocrat politicians will be asked to comment on it. No cameras or microphones in their faces.

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Says there is a tape. If there is, lets see it and decide then.
I’ll wait.

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Oh I never settle for anything but imported abuse.


I second this. Domestic abuse should not be tolerated at all, no matter what political platform.

The title of the OP is nothing but trolling garbage.

Calm down. Temper temper. Have you ever done domestic abuse to anyone before?

Never heard of him.

I find that hard to believe unless you’re asocial.

I don’t vote. I just look at ideas and discuss policies. Politicians are too much like a young guy trying to impress a girl saying anything to get her.

And people are all too often ready to trade their claimed beliefs because of the party of a politician or on a single issue.

We live in a culture of leverage and personal destruction – especially in the world of celebs and politicians, where defense of image and power is paramount.

I’m not saying the ex or the son actually have a video, but if it exists, it’s powerful leverage against a person who has power to defend. Blackmail or some other big payday from a media outlet would be contained in a compromising 2-minute video like that.

Floating the allegation 4 days before an election (which is dirty pool in my book, but a common tactic as of late) could be the first wave of ginning interest in the video, which could up the dollar value for it.

In the current MeToo paradigm, an accusation is all it takes. (False or true.) So yes, a false accusation most especially is dirty pool.