If that was the intent, the government wouldn’t have wasted the majority of the money, collecting it to give it back. They’d have never collected it in the first place. Now…do you understand this difference?
A tax rebate is the government letting people keep more of their money. You trying to spin to make it seem like a bad thing because a dem was doing it is just spin because a dem is doing it.
You would praise this up and down the aisle if this was a Republican Governor.
The sad part to me is that so much crap gets done with an election result in mind. Not what’s right for the constituency that the pol governs, but what’s best for the politician’s election bump.
And these moves are openly reported in the news with the election implications attached. And press releases and interviews are conducted with the election influences overtly discussed. And discussions among pedestrian voters (such as on this board) are argued ad nauseam with the elections as the focus.
Not what’s best for the city or state or nation impacted. We’ve all been trained to accept this as the overarching context.