News Networks Actually Banned the Truth From Their Air Time

Mueller probe actually netted a profit.

Are you sure that mueller got to cancel the plea agreement, but manafort still had to forfeit the assets from that agreement? I keep asking this and none of you ever answer me.

And still wrong.

Trump is the only person to blame for the appointment of Mueller.

Wholly untrue.

It’s almost like you work for cnn or something. Maybe just watch.

More likely Dershowitz avoided CNN and MSNBC because they wouldn’t promise not to ask about his good friend Epstein. That’s a topic that seldom (If ever) comes up at Fox.


Yes… the leftist media was abusing their viewers. Now some of their viewers have Stockholm syndrome.

…Collusion delusion was the conclusion…:sunglasses:

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You remember the scene in Forrest Gump where he decides to stop running, and his clueless followers are like “what do we do now?”

That’s about where dimocrats are now.

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lol…Its suddenly occurs to me that the Mueller investigation was exactly like the election. The leftist media had convinced their viewers Hillary was going to win, but it was a complete bubble fantasy.

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Remember the scene where Forrest Gump said “stupid is as stupid does”

That’s this thread and all the ones like it.

So you are saying Trump is a liar???hmmm.

Which would still make it far more honest and trustworthy than the hundreds of collusion gimp threads people on the left spread and participated in.

It’s just like leftist voters in California. You can see the massive homelessness, your kids can’t afford to live there, the roads crumble in the rain, the schools are terrible and expensive, they waste money on bullets trains while highways need expansion. And yet they still vote for democrats…

Jim Jones was a big time democrat…

Not in the least. You think the DoJ makes decisions based on CNN? Don’t be ridiculous. It was because Trump was acting a fool.

Your last part is a spin on the truth. Because Mueller said no such thing. Mueller did not say he found evidence to support a charge of obstruction of justice. If he had there would have been a charge.
This is just more hoping and praying by you.
I now get to put you in the same group as all the lock her up Hillary people that can’t move on. Face it the fat lady has sung her song. It’s time to say well I except what they decided, I might not like it or agree with it but they have made their decision.

You don’t understand how scare quotes work.

Reminds me of all those red states that opted not to expand Medicaid in their state. Those same states that lead the country in obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol.
Talk about a Jim Jones decision…

It’s ok for you to be jealous of us out here in California. You are still welcome to come out here and spend your tourism dollars.

I live in California…

California’s adult obesity rate is currently 25.1% , up from 18.7% in 2000 and from 9.9% in 1990… lol! Seems dems make people fat too…

One of Greenwalds best points is by hiring Brennan, CNN became the voice of the CIA and neocons… Virtually the voice of the state. That’s just the opposite of real journalism.

Unlike places like Mississippi there the obesity rate is much higher and growing at a faster rate, California expanded Medicaid.

If you hate CA so much, why do you still live here?

But they love being the most watched news network in the free world. :smirk:

I’ll talk to the President about your dilemma when I am in the Whitehouse on Friday (I actually will be in the Whitehouse on Friday).

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