New Zealand: "Our gun laws will change." Why them and not us?

That is precisely the reason.

No its not.

You are reading it wrong. The primary reason given that the right to keep and bear arms was not to be infringed upon was because of the need for a Militia. But in absence of a Militia, the right still exists and until the 2nd is altered by Amendment, the Federal Government is still prohibited from infringing upon that right. Like all other rights, need does not determine whether you have the right or not. (For example, you did not need to express yourself by making that post, yet you chose to do so, which is your right.)

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Actually he’s kind of half-assed right about that. But he doesn’t know why.

Around 45% of all Australia’s eligible males signed up for the first world war; 10% of those died and 20% were injured. Within 10 years another 20% of those died. What should also be noted is that they were all volunteers. Two referendums were defeated during WW1 to introduce conscription in Australia. As part of one of the referendum’s campaigns the then PM had an egg thrown at him. Many Australians and New Zealanders died side by side on the battlefields. New Zealand’s commitment were similar in the first world war.

Specifically with respect to Villers-Bretonneux money was raised in Australia, by the state of Victoria, to re-build their school. A school to this day that has “DO NOT FORGET AUSTRALIA” on the outside of its school and in every classroom of the school. They realise and honour the sacrifices in fighting for their village on the 24th and 25th April, 1918.

ANZAC Day honours Australian and New Zealand armed forces personnel for their commitments and sacrifices for over 100 years.

If you think it is acceptable to malign Australian and New Zealand armed forces sacrifices and commitment, and the tragic terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand it speaks directly to the person’s character making those comments.

The 2A right is not absolute. There are restrictions placed on that right.

I admire your country’s sacrifice during the carnage of World War I.

That said how do you think that generation would feel if they saw what y’all have done with their sacrifice?

They were mostly frontiersmen. Men of action and honor. 90% of them probably learned how to shoot when they were 8 years old.

What happened?

They would recognise that like all societies and countries we are not perfect. However, they would acknowledge our gun laws are appropriate for contemporary Australia and more broadly the world as it is now.

Australia’s population mix between country and city is far different now than what it was in 1914-1918.

What’s good for Australia is not necessarily good for the United States.

In the case of a mandatory firearms buy back it’s a complete nonstarter.

You would need to rip the constitution to shreds to push something like that.

As I have posted many times before I believe that change is necessary to reduce the gun related deaths in the USA. As to what those specific changes they are I have no power to legislate those changes nor do I think that my posts on what is unquestionably a right of centre forum will be influential.

You’re dismissing statistical analysis and research studies, so that’s exactly what you are doing even if you are not directly saying it.

None of what you just said amounts to a study or statistical analysis. You really don’t know how this works.

I was referring to CITIZENS killed by their OWN governments because they were disarmed by their goverments. Think Russia, China, Venezuela, Romania for instance.

You’re absolutely correct, change is needed. We need to quit raising bat ■■■■ crazy kids.

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It addresses your false claim there are none. You’re trying so hard to sound all sciency; it isn’t working.

When it is considered in an historical context the midterms in 2018 will mark the start of what will be an inexorable movement toward gun reform.

You are not knowledgeable on US political history. The attacks on the 2nd Amendment are not trending your way.

You hold on to that tenuous thought; it might provide you some succour as you will need it.

Hold on to that extraneous “u”, as you will need it.

I have what I need.

As I have repeatedly pointed out I won’t be either the cause or catalyst for the change.