New Zealand: "Our gun laws will change." Why them and not us?

Hilarious, the NRA must be demonized and destroyed because it is successful.

Scary bunch, run and hide.

Not at all. Just important to recognized they exist to make money.

Who doesn’t?

Didn’t Obama declare that settlement payments had to go to Jesse Jackson’s and AlSharpton’s organizations?

It is money as you know that allows them to be so successful. Forget the PR and lobbying it costs millions to get a case through the SCOTUS.

In the past, Mob has endorsed the use of nukes and poison gas if necessary to seize them so I doubt that he has any problem whatsoever in jackbooted police kicking down every door. :wink:

Truly remarkable that post. How are the students and ex-students of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas HS that started the MFOL movement going? They don’t seem to have disappeared.

Since they all but vanished from the political spotlight six or eight weeks after the shooting who knows.

Occasionally one or more of them show up at some event but their “value” in the press was short lived.

What does that have to do with the effectiveness of the NRA? It’s still the most powerful pro 2nd Amendment force in the country in spite of the intensive smear campaign and attempts by states like NY and CA to hurt them financially.

Hmmmm. I seem to recall that the 18-29 age demographic had its biggest turnout for a long time. Perhaps it was just coincidence that the Democrats regained control of the House of Reps in the mid-terms.

As a side note - the NRA isn’t “profitable”.

They’ve got some serious financial issues going on.

Not even remotely true. Congrats.


Despite the BS our leftwing Media puts out our young people are not being fooled, they don’t blame guns for school shootings.

A USA Today and Ipsos poll, taken after the Parkland High School Shooting, found that “fewer than half of students 13 to 17 think tightening gun laws and background checks would prevent mass shootings.” Not necessarily a revelation, but it is nice to know that America’s future isn’t necessarily tied to left-leaning adolescents. What is also fortunate is that this recent stat shows a decrease in the youth’s anti-gun perspective. A Pew research poll from 2017 said that 58% of young people favored gun-control at the time, with 39% preferring a non-restrictive stance.

USA Today stated on March 23 that “Many American high schoolers do not blame school shootings on guns and don’t argue the answer is tighter restrictions on firearms. It’s a view at odds with many of their classmates, yet born from the same safety concerns.” Many pro-gun high schoolers believe that the issue is complex, and that there needs to be further insight into options of mass-shooting prevention, however, they believe that banning firearms is not the answer.

The article stated that they believe that “more can be done as it relates to school security, mental health and background checks. Some argue those calling for gun control are uninformed about and unfamiliar with firearms.” But you won’t be hearing any of this from MSNBC or CNN.

Kyle Kashuv, a pro-Second Amendment Marjory Stoneman shooting survivor, said he opposes banning assault weapons. He believes that the problem lies not with the guns, but with the application of laws regarding previous background checks, prior convictions, and history of mental health issues. School shootings are “driven by faulty communication and reporting of prior convictions.” Like the other Parkland activists, Kashuv has embarked on the political fight as well, meeting with President Trump and Vice President Pence to discuss issues. He has also been a vocal supporter of two congressional measures that push for increased school safety training and better updates of federal background checks.

Women in general and young women in particular are also the fastest growing demographic when it comes to gun ownership and especially when it comes to legal carry and training. Behind them are minorities.

Of course additionaly we have the fact that since the SCOTUS has ruled that all states must change from “may issue” to “shall issue states” carry has been expanding dramatically all across the country with few exceptions.

HI which had the most restrictive handgun laws has also been ordered to develop a “shall issue” system not based on need or discretion.

To parrot your own words above your ignorance on the subject is staggering.

Very unfortunate for your argument when 2018 is not included. Since you have chosen to be obtuse I will state what was clearly implicit in my post that after the mass shooting at MSD was the 2018 midterm I was referring to midterm elections. So trying to equate a presidential election with a midterm one is likely trying to compare apples with oranges.

For the record the US media outlet that I have watched or read the most in the last decade has been Fox News. I doubt I would have watch more than 5 hours, and probably significant fewer hours, of MSNBC.

The rest of your post I can only assume is for your own satisfaction it certainly isn’t germane to my post. My post was:

“Hmmmm. I seem to recall that the 18-29 age demographic had its biggest turnout for a long time. Perhaps it was just coincidence that the Democrats regained control of the House of Reps in the mid-terms.”

Nowhere in that post did I say that 100% of the 18-29 age demographic uniformly subscribe to the views of the MFOL movement.

And let me preempt the nonsense that you will say that I did not mention midterm elections. I actually gave you credit for being able to think logically. It may have been misplaced; if it was I will need to cater for that in future posts for your benefit.

The backpedaling and crawfishing is hilarious.

WR what backpedalling? There isn’t any. You know, or ought to know, that turnout is far greater for presidential elections than for midterms. If you choose to be singularly obtuse in our discussions to not understand what is clearly implied, then I will take that into consideration when I post in the future for your benefit. It is unfortunate that one needs to go to that basic level as it means that posts of necessity would need to be significantly longer.

As usual you didn’t know what you were talking about and your condescending bull ■■■■ is old and tired.

I readily admit that I hadn’t realised that the level of interaction with your good self needed to be at a lower level. Rather than my being condescending I was the exact opposite. I gave you credit that you would understand that I was referring to midterm elections. Unfortunately, my assumption was not based in fact. I have noted that it is necessary to conduct our discussion at a lower level.

Go bother someone else, you’re not impressing anyone here. Well, not in the way you’re hoping that is.

Once again you transfer your motivations to others without any basis for that. I have no desire nor motivation to try to impress you or anyone else on this forum. I believe that my perspective may have some interest to some posters on this forum. I do not claim that my perspective is of interest to all participants of this forum.

I have quite clearly based on my profile name, westaussie, identified that I am an Australian and specifically a West Australian. I have also never tried to hide my political bent on this forum. I am cognisant that my views would certainly not be in sync with the majority of posters on this forum.

I also do not have any powers that force any poster to respond to any of my posts. When I signed up I din’t see anywhere in the rules governing this forum suggesting that any of my posts need to be responded to.

I have also never tried to speak for all posters on this forum. I have provided comments on some topics on this forum. I do not delude myself that I have this awesome power that I can influence posters on this forum. Given the political bent of this forum it would be delusional of me to think that I could.

That’s quite a narrative you’ve got going there. I especially like the part where you call it fact.

Worrying about getting shot first of all. Basing that fear on the existence of a means rather than a cause makes it even more irrational.

The earth is not flat, that IS fact.