New York Times Op-ED Opposes Impeachment

I have always said that the Bengazie hearings where a joke, and the thing they should have been trying to uncover was completely ignored.

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Of course they agree, just as I predicted prior to Nov election of what they would do. And it’s not just Trump, they’re going to harass those that work for em…and even those that support him financially for 2020 election.

Of course they all denied that they would when I said it back in Sept/Oct

And you notice non on the left even dare suggest that Hillary’s payment to a law firm for “legal services” be looked at as a campaign violation, nor that her campaign be looked at for funneling money through the law firm to hire a foreign national to “get dirt” on a candidate.

You mean plethora of conflicts of interest? See the Trump Moscow deal and Trump making millions from leaders staying in his hotels.

Are they paying a fair price for something of value? If so, then their is NOTHING wrong with it.

Trump Moscow deal never happened. It was BEFORE he was president — how is that a crime?

I recall your numerous posts decrying “unlimited investigative powers trying to dig something up.”

why didn’t the republicans do anything about it?

This wasn’t trying to dig something up. This was an investigation as to why someone in her department was killed. You do see the difference right?

That’s the million dollar question.

The 34 million dollar question is why Mueller didn’t look into it. He had authority to look into Russian interference in the elction. Yet not a damn thing on the Russian intel that went to Hillary. Wonder why that would be.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with allowing possible quid pro quo? Sound like a pretty pro corruption position to take.

There are clear conflicts of interest that are worth investigating. I didn’t say charges need to be laid out at this point.

a room for a couple hundred is going to mean exactally what to Trump? How much of that is going to go to actual costs of the room? How much is going to profits? How much is really going to end up in Trumps pocket?

She didn’t kill or order the person to be killed, so 8 years of investigations about it did seem to be a bit much… but investigating how the Russian government interfered with our elections was a waste of time even though they uncovered ample evidence of it?

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The easiest way to find out how much Trump is making would be to…you know… look at his finances.

8 years was too much. But we did learn that she violated law with her private e-mail servier (yes comey did say that, and it was proven with the e-mails.) But again, the wrong thing was investigated in the hearings. My suspician is every congress critter knew the answers I would like to hear, but know it would have been extremely bad for the public to know.

Oh for the love of god, what more can congress uncover that Mueller and his grand juries couldn’t find in 18 months? I really want to know what you think he was so incompetant and missed. Now it’s on to trying to find some sort of financial crime that they can jump up and down and yell “look look look bad man bad man . . . he shouldn’t be re-elected!”

And that would be the DOJ’s job.

Smart black men knew Al Gore’s father was a segregationist. That’s why he wasn’t elected.

Well said.

I mean you can’t, on one hand, be outraged about Hillary’s private email server and then, on the other hand, take many positions in which you elude to government transparency not being important when it comes to Trump.

Mueller is a great man who served his country nobly. I have a hard time seeing how anyone who read more than just the summaries wouldn’t view it as a compelling account of Russian interference, lies and coverup and the complete moral bankruptcy of Donald Trump. I wish every American would take the time to at least flip through it. Every single thing about him should be investigated.

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Not when he can fire anyone who investigates him.

You’re confusing “moderate” with “bereft of core values”.