New York Times Op-ED Opposes Impeachment

And you’ve got…?

No, the entire op-ed provided its own context. Op-eds are the opinion of the writer, not the Publisher, and the Times has always shown a great deal of latitude. I saw that piece as an important demonstration of the Times’ willingness to air a breadth of opinion, in contrast with more partisan outlet like Fox. The thing cractic is wrong about is presenting this as if it were the opinion of the Times as a whole.

Fox is way more balanced than the rest of the media. We all know that…

Many folks don’t understand the difference between actual editorial content and op-ed commentary. Then they stumble on its significance.

Indeed, after a few years exposure to the Fox News genre, many folks have been trained to to be unable to distinguish between reporting and commentary.

We’ve got Trump, my dear!

As Mark Twain put it, the only people who should begin sentences with “We” are “Kings, editors, and people with tapeworms.”

Please post an example of Fox posting an opinion piece in praise of the Mueller investigation to back up your assertion.

Oh, you mean the laughing stock of your party. Gotcha, dumplin’.

Impeachment would provide a gift to Republicans and would likely ensure Trump is reelected. But DEMs won’t be able to resist the urge, given their visceral hatred of the man who took down Hillary.

My bet is they will make impeachment front and center in 2020. I, for one, would be a very happy man were that to be the case.

Good to see that Dems are now admitting that the question of whether to impeach or not to impeach is not a question of Constitutionality or what is a high crime or misdemeanor, but only a question of what involves political gain for themselves.
Party first.

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Results, darlin’. They count. :wink: Check out the the economy…

Erp. Unless what you consider “results” as the green deal, reparations, socialism and whatever else your candidates can throw into the pot to attract the freeloaders of society.

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Well, that is what republicans did with Clinton. :wink:

Yep! Big mistake that cost them dearly. Will DEMs make that same mistake? I’m betting they will. :wink:

That would truly be a gift. :wink:

I say they won’t. Time will tell.

Pelosi is smarter than Gingrich.

Are you at all concerned about the fate of a Republican Party defined by Trump?

100% pure ■■■■■■■■

But at least CEC has trained you well

I never said it the entire NYT’s opinion… It’s an Op-ED as I said…

Just like collusion delusion, lol!

Impeaching Clinton hurt the republican party? You mean how they maintained the house, senate and Bush got elected afterwards? When will that this myth die?

Above average Democratic gains in 1998 and it broke Newt’s career as an elected official.

Bush’s election – well its good to have friend in high places one supposes.

You presented it as the New York Times’ article, not as an invited Op Ed.

More auditioning to be Trump’s Press Secretary, ready to spin anything.