New York Getting Strapped?

Be afraid. They are coming.

They do, they be dying.

Shoot any in the 90s?


Texas went through the 80s and 90s too. So?

We did our part, even finally executed a foreign national for rape and murder, while progressive States were coddling criminal to an ever greater degree.


Are you sure? What are Rockefeller laws?

Three strike laws?

That’s some kind of coddling

Hollywood too?

They’re here.

Open fire

It’s not working, you know.

…huh. that’s the first time that I have seen somebody get around that question.

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Yes i do.

This goes both ways. You know.

I understand you need it to.

So do you. You know that too.

Sócratic method isn’t about just teaching it’s also about learning.

I don’t need anything to be anything. Chaos in California benefits me not a whit. In fact quite the contrary.

My society is not failing.

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Party of one. You can only fail yourself. I am quite confident you are not failing

No, it’s small, but I’m not alone.

Wasn’t my point though.

I’ll wait.