New York doctor indicted by a grand jury in Louisiana

There is nothing wrong with telemedicine. There is something wrong with abusing telemedicine but your conditions don’t make this prescription bad. The other issues you listed may make it bad like if she didn’t actually talk to the girl and only talk to her mom. But otherwise a physical examination is not always required for a prescription.

leftist is about as reliable as the internet in general

because the story says who she talked to, are you assuming something not in evidence?

No i am checking. I am trying to see if she ever spoke to the daughter. If she in fact never did then it is unethical.

knowledge about the patient should be. And I don’t mean some questionnaire on a website. I mean from previous service. There is nothing wrong with telemedicine when you’re dealing with your doctor, or even a referral from your doctor. Treating someone you have never seen, have no seen medical records for and have not conducted any examination or testing for is unethical. Listening to them and determining they may need a prescription and should contact their doctor or hospital is about as far as it should go.

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Weak effort.
I accept your concession.

its not a concession, bringing out however wwas weak sauce. They are proven biased

Only by cultist like RW’ers

Who is your go to for a fact check?

Read Dr. Anthony Fauci’s key takeaways during this time of crisis

nott fact check

You claimed, because factcheck told you so

here’s a report detailing the worth of his investments.

The value of his IRA is less than 10% of his net. Fact check gave you spin. And yes, the money he has in invested “broadly” but mostly in China in the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund, focusing on Asian nations, in particular China.

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His income grew every year since 2016…how has the stock market done since then.
2016 15988
2022 32898

Looks like his investments did well. Is that illegal or corrupt?

it is however, not what fact check told you it was.

heavily invested in China, which gives him a reason to protect China and to work with them and cover up things on like… oh, I don’t know… gain of function research in Wuhan.


Where is the evidence he is heavily invested in China?

I already posted it. Mathew Tiger Fund

And why is that? Please see my prior post on this topic. There is no legal obligation to extradite someone who is not a fugitive. Since the doctor was not in LA, she did not flee to avoid prosecution. If there is a crime at all, it is under Federal law under a statute that has not been used in almost a hundred years and is likely unconstitutional.

abortion a treatment.

thats a hot one.


I think you meant to say your prior wrong post

has it dawned on you that NY isn’t trying to extradite anyone FROM LA?

NY is an extradition state and all LA has to do is follow the process

Chapter 138 of New York laws protect doctors from penalties in regards to prescribing abortion drugs via telemedicine.

check and mate. lol.


and wholly unconstitutional. Full faith and credit.

and aside from this, the doc is not charged with a crime in NY, she is charged with a crime in LA.