New study shows natural immunity is vastly better than that from vaccines

Why not try to prevent the “Get Covid” step?


No such thing. It’s the prevent hospital/dying step.

You will eventually test positive if you keep testing.

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Try not to catch the Kung Flu in the first place, folks.

♫ Smoke weed everyday! ♫ :+1:


This is where we are all going to pretend that Covid circulates among the vaccinated population as readily as it does among the unvaccinated.

SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased riskfor breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021.

page 2 in Result.

The most likely scenario is the virus will continue to spread until herd immunity is produced from exposure to the variants. The vaccines do not stop the virus on their own.

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Don’t forget to take your CBD, folks! lol

Yep. It’s already happened

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What a coincidence. I just bought a pound of CBD flowers.


All that’s left now is to turn it into proper medicine! :+1:


Unfortunately, you have to have the disease to acquire natural immunity. If you don’t live through it, or are hospitalized getting it, is it really a good thing?


You didn’t trace sources, did you?

The whole point of vax is to avoid getting the disease to begin with.

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Maybe the paper itself, or the Yale Medical Journal that references the study?

In any case, Tyler Darden has never lied to me. That’s more than I can say about Fauci or Biden.

But note that the article indicates that natural immunity plus at least one vaccination may be the best protection against variants.

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The paper doesn’t say what Tyler Durden wants you to think it says.

If Tyler Durden approves the source, then that’s all the tracing I need to know about. :laughing:

Do you trust Tyler Durden?

Yes. He gave a very good summary of the paper, even mentioning that the paper says natural immunity plus vaccine provides the best protection. Naturally, anyone with a real interest will trace his sources.

Are we now having TDS? (Tyler Derangement syndrome)?

being an israeli study i would think this only proves true for pfizer which was only around 40% effective in preventing delta. moderna is closer to 75-80% effective. saying that one has to wonder, are you better off getting pfizer and delta, or moderna and whatever comes next?

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The entire thing is framed in a way that “natural immunity” is better than vaccination which is true except for that whole part where you have to get sick and risk your life and long term health to do so.

The way that this report is presented is that the vaccine is a failure because… well because. The article ends with a report about the dangers of the vaccine that is once again presented without any comparison to the dangers compared to the actual virus.

All of this is to further muddy the waters about the efficacy of the vaccine and nothing more.

Retrospective study in pre-print with no peer review, so not a lot to go on. Doesn’t pass the sniff test, let’s see if it passes peer review. Study groups were plucked out of thin air and not representing the number of patients that could have been studied, which lends me to believe we have a bit of bias.

And it only hit Scribd 2 days ago, yet here we are discussing it. (You don’t need to prove anything to publish here pre-print, there is a lot of quackery in Scribd)


Reduce your chance of catching COVID by catching COVID and hopefully not dying!