New mass shooting today!

Enough of this insanity. We need a nationwide ban on shooting people in a mall.



Only bad guys have guns in gun-free zones.

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And if the good guy didn’t have a gun…… how far off were the police if that was all that’s available?

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Only if there is an open season/ no limit placed on violent people.

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The officer was already at the mall, able to respond more or less immediately.

Of course, that was only after 8 people were killed and 7 were wounded

So, as I say: need more guns.

Since the gun didn’t make whoever this shooter is do anything that is a fairly vapid observation.

Crazy people can easily buy guns that kill a lot of people quickly. Its that simple.

But on the plus side, society grows more polite by the day.


Right from the OP. The glee in the thread title is obvious.


More glee.



Then perhaps we should outlaw crazy people. That seem to be the common thread in all of these mass shootings … crazy people with guns, not sane people with guns.


IF he was under a Dr. care, and the Dr felt that he was a danger, he should have reported it so it could be uploaded into the NCIC background check system.

The common thread seems to be people who feel they need to kill innocents, stabbings, tossing onto subway tracks, beatings, shootings. Why are we not looking at why people feel this is an acceptable thing to do??


Cant do that. So we will have regular mass shootings.

Why not? There is no Constitutional protected right to be crazy.

Who thinks this is acceptable?!

Nobody, that’s who.

Only a small group of people who are “crazy” spend significant time in an asylum due to being violent. Unless you feel we should lock “crazy” people up even if they don’t commit crimes?

Those that do the killing, you are focused on the how, when should be focusing on the why’s.

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Maybe, but nobody thinks that it is acceptable.

Apparently those that are doing the killing do. That is who I was referring too. Pretty sad that I even need to explain it, I figured my post made that clear. Apparently not… :roll_eyes:

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