New Jersey feel good plastic bag law

My wife has been using homemade cloth shopping bags for twenty years or so, and has never experienced a failure with one. We get almost nothing in plastic bags anymore, although every once in a while, I will bag things from the hardware store in plastic because I have a few ongoing needs for the bags around the house. At least we can control that consumption of non-renewable plastic. It’s all the plastic packaging that I find so annoying because it is excessive and unavoidable.

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No. The incredible light they give off. If you know of an equivalent, tell me. I’ll get them instead. But at the time I couldn’t find one.

If you weren’t such a techno-nerd you would have plenty of biodegradable old newspapers to wrap your kitty litter in. :stuck_out_tongue:

Flush the poop … wrap the pee lumps up like a burrito in newspaper. Then put the packages in an empty dog food or kitty litter bag for storage before trash pick-up.

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It has nothing to do with environmentally friendly. Just ease. Same with plastic straws. They can ban them too if they like. I’ll just keep a bunch in my glove compartment.


Exactly. Stuff like this is so annoying. Bananas already have a protective layer, why the plastic?


Wasteful and harmful.


The left whined about the trees being cut down so we got plastic bags instead. Now they whine about the plastic and want us to take our own bags in. NO!!!

They forced the plastic on us so I use as many as I want. Sometimes I use them for an item that doesn’t even need a bag, especially those strong, thick bags from Menards! They’re great for wrapping paint rollers and greasy stuff! I unpack my bags, keep a few for misc. stuff and the rest- right into the trash! If Libs ever thought 2 seconds ahead about the consequences of the stupid ■■■■ they force on us, man could a lot of problems be avoided. Till then I’ll take my little satisfactions where I can get them…:smiley:


Don’t markets in your area sell the reusable bags that aren’t cloth? They’re coated so they can be wiped out. Only cost 99 cents

I don’t know, I never looked for them. I got like 1500 plastic ones for 20 bucks. They’re useful for other stuff as well. I really don’t want to deal with something reusable here.


Or maybe put them in an Amazon box and place them on the front porch?


Can’t find an LED bright enough?

So go right ahead and keep using your plastic bags.

If the law is anything like New York, any bag you bring in (so long as it’s clean and in good service) has to be accepted and used by the cashier.

They just can’t offer free plastic bags anymore. You have to bring in your own, or pay 5 cents for a paper one they sell you.

I will say this I can’t stand paper straws…

I am not the tote carrying dude and I’ll admit I get lazy. At first I did question the change in plastic bags in Cali but honestly I have learned to love it.

I don’t have as many bags lying around and the ones I do have which I pay for are actually sturdy. I store garage/motorcycle supply stuff in them.

I’ve got nothing against reusable bags.

I work as a cashier at Wegman’s (local grocery store in Syracuse NY)…and I think reusable bags are the absolute bomb.

Those things hold so much it’s not funny. Less work for me! :rofl::rofl:

Have you looked into these bulbs…found them on google.

I don’t have an issue with you. You’ve stated why you like to use plastic bags. I disagree with you, but that’s fine.

But there’s nothing wrong with reusable bags…they fit more stuff, don’t usually rip and will end up having lower lifetime costs.

But they have gotten “green” attached to them, and some people thus HAVE to bash them for no good reason.

Get a litter genie…problem solved! :smiley_cat:

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And buy plastic bags on top of the thousands of grocery bags in the cabinet? lol

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Hear! Hear!


You’re going to run out some time, right?

Might as well be ready for that moment.

Seriously, go read up on the litter genie, then try one (they cost like $20). Once you smell how much better your house gets using one, I guarantee you won’t go back.