New Indictment Any Minute Now

Can’t wait to see how Trumpy explains this one to his good bud Vlad the Impaler.

And can you imagine the faces when Rosenstein said “no Americans were found to be colluding”… and I paraphrase.

Don’t care about that. I wanna see what he says publicly to defend Putin.

Not as god a Germany buying oil from Russia…Or Obama letting them take Crimea…

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Anyone with an ounce of sense did. A lot of Trump supporters are still doubting it.

I did not hear any questions from the peanut gallery asking “do other nations besides Russia hack our systems?”

The answer would give them frowny faces.

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As a reminder. While Russian agents were hacking the DNC, Trump was calling this Fake News. Let that sink in.


i’m just here to see if any americans will blow off the fact that the old communist country screwed with the US or A.

Someone doesn’t understand how prosecutors build cases.

The indictment also says American citizens were in contact during these efforts. The indictment could provide more ammunition from Mueller to get confessions/more info from people who are implicated.

**[quote=“CaughtInTheMiddle, post:54, topic:7106, full:true”]
i’m just here to see if any americans will blow off the fact that the old communist country screwed with the US or A.

Yes. See: This thread.

This. ^^


What part of “no Americans were found to be colluding” don’t you understand?

The DNC is not the USA.


Because we know some other country hacked Hillary… The IG said so,


I guess you missed the point. Can’t say it’s because it hasn’t been explained to you. It’s just some won’t listen.

Nope. They did not.

This is weak. Even for you.

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Also, a reminder.


Yep. The issue is ignored by libs. It would put us at war with virtually every country in the world.

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