New COVID cases are surging in highly vaccinated Vermont



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Because refusing to vax in the face of a still raging pandemic is foolish, short sighted, and selfish.

The evidence is in: vaxed people have a smaller chance of contraction when exposed, have a smaller chance of a lethal outcome, and are less likely to spread


Yes, that is the party line from the White House. Actual data shows that the Pfizer vaccination has virtually zero effectiveness in preventing infection.

If that is true, than the case for coerced vaccinations just evaporated.


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It actually shows quite the opposite

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Maybe they should have better messaging from people who haven’t lied every step of the way, and don’t condescend to people who have legitimate questions.

They should also talk honestly about the possible side-effects (including many deaths) that are going unreported and apparently uninvestigated.

And finally, they should fire the clown who purposely lied, telling Americans they don’t need to wear masks at the start of the pandemic. To have out there as the face of “get the vaccine” makes zero sense. He’s a lying fraud.

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Close the southern border then. Each major variant was found first outside of this country and wound up here. Getting everybody in this country vaccinated isn’t going to have much affect on stopping new variants. Most people live outside of the US.



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I was saying 60 - 70% would be enough to stop the spread until I found out that most people plan to get vaccinated. Now I believe I can say 80%.

For each age group, the number of fraction of vaccinated cases closely matches the fraction of the population that is vaccinated. That is what happens with zero effectiveness.

Any legal basis for government bullying of the unvaccinated just went “poof”.


This is simply a cop out. Nothing more, nothing less.

What is the source for that chart?

And yet we kept hearing Covid was all Trump’s fault because he said it would go away and then later said he knew it would be bad.
So now lies and exaggerations don’t matter. No, you can’t complain about How the messaging then created this huge problem and say now that complaining about the messaging is a cop out.

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Tell me the exact number of people who have died from the vaccine, or within 10 or 20 even

Tell me why the face of the pandemic purposely lied about not wearing masks and still has his job.

Tell me why 50,000 “fully-vaccinated” people attending an event aren’t considered “super-spreaders”.

You can’t answer any of those questions because you feel they don’t need to be answered and no one will ever press those in charge about it. I feel differently about it.

And your boy NEVER had a plan, and you fell for his claim that he did.


Still a cop out.

If you are bereft of information at this point, it’s your own damn fault.

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Not surging. Just up. Same with NH and Maine. And still better than 46 other states day in and out.

Because, Bill, your agitprop for ongoing infections misses the point: highly vaxxed doesn’t mean ‘all vaxxed’. The three states of NNE have Trumper morons too…

Oh… got ya.

So… does it make sense that of there is an age group that over 90% are vaccinated that one could expect more vaccinated people getting breakthrough cases vs unvaccinated because the population of vaccinated people is much much larger?

Does that make sense at all?

And could it also make sense that as the vaccinated group grows larger and even though there are breakthrough infections the overall infection goes down?

Can that make sense?

Obese and overweight is a big deal.

Everyone gets the same dose.

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