New Auto Tariffs Anyone?

But, no domestic designed and built ones meaning manufacturers. Just other countries bring in some production.

And who knows how much of that is subsidize with tax incentives like NYC tried with Amazon…

Prices rose due to tariffs until about August 2018 when demand started to fall. The drop in prices is due to that sinking demand. That’s not a good thing. Or are you cheering for economic slowdown?

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You do know car companies don’t sell cars in America they are sold by private dealerships? meaning the dealership are stuck paying the tariff not the foreign company.

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It may have dropped because of excess production… I see no slow down.

We build Toyotas, Hyundais, and Nissans in America. I’m guessing those manufacturing facilities had incentives too. Here it’s capitalism, there it’s socialism.

You can’t tell my graph goes into 2019? and your data stops in 2018? Really!

Irrelevant. Tariffs have caused the price of steel and aluminum to both increase since they were implemented. As tariffs do. Good gravy man. :rofl:

Knowledge is power.

The graph found here?

Why is the graph in Yuan and not Dollars?

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I show you a graph of steel prices falling in late 2018 and 2019. And you pretend it’s not there. Perfect!.. And there’s no Russia collusion either. And Smollett was faking it too…

The graph that you showed was priced in Yuan… which got me wondering if it was a reflection of US domestic steel prices.

Guess what


If there’s a negative balance of trade and there are restrictions of some sort put in place by that county to our imports…whether it’s cars or what ever, I’d tariff them.

Buy American and you won’t be paying tariffs…and you be helping Americans.

Oh wait that’s it isn’t it?

I will still be paying an artificially higher price because of tariffs

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My company is charged tariff fees from companies that use steel…

The actual price has not gone up but there are added fees that right now we are absorbing. But if it continues we will be forced to raise our prices…

So if an american small business has lower profit because of trumps actions, who should be blamed?

Sounds authoritarian.

Buy American or pay the tax.

Kinda like buy insurance or pay the tax.

Either americans will pay a higher price or american businesses will have lower profits…

Either way, republicans are happy…

Libs just rather have higher taxes and pay people not to work.

Did I miss something in this thread?

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I’m about to replace about 2/3 of my roof, and I’ve had multiple roofers now tell me they’re barely doing any metal roofs any more, after years of being able to do them for a great price, because of the tariffs. They SPECIFICALLY told me it’s because of the tariffs that people can not afford metal roofs right now. And these are southern, working class folks just trying to make a living.

Far better to use government policy to win over a constituency that is essential for re-election.

And to make everyone pay for it.

What a corrupt systemic, don’t you agree?

Oh, and he’s doing it unilaterally using emergency powers intended for national security crises, again. But you claim he’s not an authoritarian, for some reason.