New ad in Spanish targets Biden for eliminating Hispanics from VP options

You do understand the order of succession don’t you?

I do.
do you understand how idiotic your conspiracy is.

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No conspiracy needed and nobody but you is suggesting one so the idiocy is yours.

Biden is not capable of executing the office, that’s obvious but he’s the “last man standing”.

It’s simple enough to get him to “step down for health reasons” and move up the VP.

No they don’t.
That’s something the CEC is pushing.

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Miguel Pence?


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Of course they can as already explained.

Demonstrate it then if you can.

I like how your opinions are somehow fact. “Biden is not capable of executing the office,” Your opinion.

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He is demonstrably unfit to fulfill the office and that’s not my opinion alone.

Demonstrate what? That he’s capable? That he’ll complete his term?

The only people who are peddling your crazed conspiracy theory are people who are Trump supporters.


Can you really not follow a three post conversation you’re participating in?

You claim I’m wrong, demonstrate it.

Online polls.

Gotta love em!

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Zogby is not an online poll.

Don’t think you’re getting this. Sorry it’s difficult. You saying something doesn’t make it true. And your link in no way says it’s true.


Ok, show it to be false if you can.

You are an ardent Trump supporter.
You were told by AM radio Biden was going to step down.
You are wrong.


You have yet to demonstrate it and I don’t listen to AM radio. I haven’t in more than three years.

You claim I’m wrong, demonstrate it if you can. I’ll repeat it in case you’re lost again.

It’s simple enough to get him to “step down for health reasons” and move up the VP.

.Ok, show it to be false if you can.

Again, sorry this is difficult for you to understand. You made the claim. On you to back it up. You said he’s demonstrably unfit. Your opinion. Prove it. Your link didn’t do that. Biden winning the Democratic primary after campaigning for a year, 20 some odd debates, countless interviews and press conference…seems to show he’s fit. And again, I know this is complicated, but you kind of have to show how he’s demonstrably unfit. And if you post a quote or an interaction, then other people are allowed to explain why they don’t think that doesn’t make him demonstrably unfit. It’s how a discussion works. And the mere fact that it’s a discussion shows it’s not a fact. And again, I know this is really hard for you to understand, but again, your opinion, no matter how much you believe it, is not fact. FYI.


I don’t care if you refuse to accept it, I’m not required to satisfy you.

In the Zoby poll 55% of likely voters agree he appears mentally unfit to fulfill the duties of the office.