Never underestimate the republicans ability to screw up a sure thing

  1. We were on the way to a red wave in the election. All systems go. The country had had enough of liberal lunacy. Then the supreme court rushes in and decides to change the subject to abortion and rescuing the democrats.
  2. Conditions are even worse. Americans are fed up with everything Biden. Then…BAMA TO THE RESCUE!!! Once again, lets change the topic to abortion. And give the democrats some momentum.
    Roll Tide!

(I actually wrote 2024, but A.I. won’t allow me to use it)

I fixed it for you:

  1. We were on the way to a red wave in the election. All systems go. The country had had enough of liberal lunacy. Then the supreme court rushes in and decides to change the subject to abortion and rescuing the democrats.

  2. Conditions are even worse. Americans are fed up with everything Biden.

  3. Things are even worse still! Then…BAMA TO THE RESCUE!!! Once again, lets change the topic to abortion. And give the democrats some momentum.
    Roll Tide!

Sadly you are correct.

If republicans didn’t learn from 2022 and what should have been a red wave…

If we make the mistake of believing polls in February…

We’ll screw this up again…and America cannot afford four more years of this disgusting Democrat party.

So getting what the GOP has been fighting for for decades is screwing things up.


What’s the lesson? That key planks of your platform like the repeal of roe v wade should not be acted upon for fear of losing elections?

As far as I can tell , SCOTUS were merely doing their job - issuing a ruling on a case. And the ruling was something that many conservatives had wanted for decades :man_shrugging:

I wasn’t asking for a fix. I liked it EXACTLY how a wrote it. The fix would be for A.I. not to screw with it.

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