Never underestimate the power of stupid

That seems a little direct and personal. I must have misunderstood because you rail against going personal.

Oh, and banter, banter.

Never underestimate the power of stupidity

impose penalties on refugees who entered illegally in search of asylum if they present themselves without delay (Article 31), which is commonly interpreted to mean that their unlawful entry and presence ought not to be prosecuted at all

She’s far left and doen’t speak for all liberals.

You did not provide the process they have to go through. Typical of you only posting parts of it. They don’t get to just run the border and announce I am a refuge and disappear. Oh and by the way your own link says they are illegal, just not to prosecute them.

Not to mention it’s the same as they did for Obama.

24/7 scrutiny goes with the job. No one since Nixon has whined about it so much though.

It’s been barely six months since this young lady has joined the House and yet, she has struck massive fear amongst the fat donald loyalists in such a short time…it’s fascinating to watch in real time.

Any political party that nominated and supports Trump should not be asking why others are stupid.

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I no longer underestimate stupidity. Especially when a large segment of the population gets all giddy when someone claims emails were “acid washed” or that China is paying “billions and billions of dollars into our treasury” or “our air and water are the cleanest they’ve ever been by far.”

But hey, he’s going to cure cancer, eradicate AIDS and get us to Mars.

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So what’s your solution to trying to deal with over 100,000 people illegally flooding into our country per month?

At a minimum I would start with actually tracking separated families so they could be reunited. Agree?

But the problem with further discussion is people have been fed lies that anything but detention results in all released immigrants “disappearing into the country”. Not about to get into that with anyone who regurgitates those falsehoods.

But even looking at just detention, the facilities themselves are not appropriate IMO.

I underestimated the power of stupid… look at who we have as President.

You all wanted trump to be the nominee to go against hillary. The media led the charge on selecting him. rubio wasn’t good. jeb wasn’t good (agreed). cruz wasn’t good.

hillary was gonna wipe the floor with trump and you all were laughing right up to election day.

Live with it.


If you hear some popping sounds those are cons hearing Chuck Todd call out AOC for her misuse of “concentration camps”.

The fact that so many libs think like her is profoundly frightening.


It’s not Hilary-like hysteria/fear, but it’s getting there.

Straw man.

Not as frightening as those who support a sociopath named Trump in the white house.

So we either treat them like complete ■■■■■ split their families up without tracking, and other inhumane acts or they’ll overrun us?

Is this the false dichotomy with which you are going to roll?

Oh…and stats show they show up for their hearings.

I think she is very intelligent and I admit I was skeptical. Then I saw her speak on a House investigation committee and I was Wowed. Bright girl.