Never Let a Crisis

And its not just climate measures … the liberals are using this crisis to come after guns too.


Yeah, and because the pandemic has the economy in the tank how much more damage could the green agenda even do?


And some of the same states that are trying to pass draconian gun laws are releasing convicted criminals back into the public while bending law abiding citizens over and stump ■■■■■■■ them.

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Come on now, you can’t expect criminals to be kept locked up with all this virus stuff going around.


Heck, they can’t accurately project GDP beyond the next quarter, let alone 80 years.

The thread title says it all.


“trump cult” is a leftist media driven contrivance based on anger and hatred over seeing appreciation of a leader who is actually working to benefit Americans for once.

the real cult was for obama who didnt do ■■■■ for anyone but got a nobel peace prize anyway


This is true and made the Nobels a laughing stock

But where’s your proof Trump is working to benefit anyone but his billionaire buddies?

The tax cuts? Expire for normal people, permanent for corporations. To cite just one example.

Shut up Barry

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The only science in the climate change agenda is political science. Climate change kooks have been wrongly predicting some kind of cataclysm my whole 60 years of life…the predictions never come true. The solutions are always more governmental control of our lives, higher taxes and less freedom. The predictions are always “12 years from now it’s gonna get really bad”. 12 years from now some version of the same group of kooks will be telling us in 12 years it’s going to get really bad…

Wash rinse repeat.

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Maybe we should all be buying Coronavirus credits from AlGore.


People have been predicting that black cats crossing my path will bring me bad experiences. If I see a black cat ahead, should I veer off my course and take a different route because some people predicted a pandemic and it happened?

I presume that 61k is over a year. Has COVID had a year yet?

The denominator is important when making comparisons.

Well said. Great post!

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They had 110 gun bills “on the table.”

You make it sound like they just popped up in the last 3 months.

You don’t even know what most of 'em are.

You make it sound like they’re not new bills.

You obviously know less than I do about it.

Coming from the “leader” who despite a decade or warnings did nothing at all to protect the US from a pandemic and who swore up and down that such things as securing our borders to help prevent such a pandemic were racist and xenophobic, driven by hate, not science.

The open borders crowd are completely responsible for our modern pandemics and have been since the sixties as we made it ever easier to travel here from abroad and of course in keeping our southern border all but completely open.


61,000 is for the worst flu season since 2010.

The time will matter. The wave will pass and mortality will drop.

Ten days to two weeks. We’ll have then crested the hill unless everything we’ve done as far as mitigation and treatment was a waste of time.

I think we’ll be lucky and beat the 80k low end estimate. Somewhere between 56-80k.

I agree. I am hopeful we will keep it under this worst flu season total.

We have sacrificed a lot to get here.