Never Forget! 9-11 remembrance thread

I was actually on the phone with a customer who saw the first plane hit. We were on an early morning conference call, when he interrupted and said - " umm, guys, I’m going to have to drop off the call - I swear I just saw a plane crash into the other tower."

I was thinking “man - must have been having some kind of mechanical failure and crashed before they could get to the airport - that’s terrible.” Then, the 2nd tower got hit, and I knew it wasn’t just an accident or mechanical failure.

Not to purposely reply to you, but your second paragraph is exactly what I was thinking.
I was working near BWI airport in my office when a co-worked told me that a plane hit the WTC. I thought that it was an accident. When the second tower was hit, it was a mad scramble to turn on the TV and watch. The chaos and the unknown made for a lot of uneasiness. I learned of the plane crashes at Pentagon and in PA from the radio at little while later, in which my then girlfriend and I high tailed it to her brother’s place south of York PA.
The two things that always will be with me are driving on 695 and every overhead sign reading “Major incident in DC. Please avoid area.” and the next day driving to work, sitting at the light to turn into the office complex, I usually observed several airplanes either taking off or landing at BWI airport. That day…eerily quiet.


That week we were under a nice Canadian high-pressure system. The skys were clear and blue. Bluer than I had ever seen. There was no white whispiness left over from contrails of jet engines. Just pure blue. It was eerily peaceful in the days that followed. Such violence leading to such peacefulness.

I was a teen in school, but I smelled the smoke, saw & heard all the emegency vehicles flying down the highway towards Manhattan and saw all the parents pulling out students from classes. Was a scary time.

My mom worked in lower Manhattan, was worried for her safety as all the phones were overloaded. She ended up walking over an east river bridge and slowly made her way home, since everything was shut down.

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9-11 should be remembered as the epitome of government failure to protect us from foreign invaders.

Not only could Clinton have had bin Laden several years before 9-11, but the Bush administration had ample intelligence that the hijackers were up to no good and did nothing.

To top it off, Bush’s approval ratings shot up to 92% as a result of the attacks.

That’s like a doctor who’s malpractice kills 4,000 people being loved by millions because of it.


I try not to remember—only that it was the ultimate act of mass murder that took place.

This is a touching memento, though, of a band that came and performed when other acts cancelled & all sorts of different people came together to both pay tribute to those killed & give thanks to New York Fire Department:

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Not just a band…one of the greats. U2 is one of the few bands in my life I would really pay good money to see.

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Generational difference. I thought U2 was a spy plane that was shot down over Russia.


Hong Kong protester halt to have a moment of silence today for those lost on 9/11.

I was driving down the road listening to this new to WABC radio talk show host Sean Hannity’s first day on the air. They were looking right at the building from some distance as I went into a hardware store to get supplies for the day’s work. When I came back out and started driving to work they reported that the second plane had hit and all talk of it being an accident was dropped. When they reported that a plane had hit the pentagon I went straight home to my wife, thinking it could be some crazy ass nationwide attack or something. The ■■■■■■■ pentagon? Holy krap!

We watched the towers on live tv until they were gone. We were numb.

Damn. I had no idea how hard it would be to type that.

I have not watched a movie, in theaters or television that had anything to do with planes crashing since that day.

It was on Tuesday. I worked a late day on Tuesday’s. 1 pm to about 8. I watched from the moment they broke in on wgn in Chicago with live feed from New York tv. As they were speculating…boom the second JET not small plane…JET. ■■■■■ I watched that just happen live. My wife was getting ready to leave for work. I told her to be safe. We are under attack I think. Somethings not right. She took our son to kindergarten and then went to her preschool where she taught. When my daughter woke up she crawled in bed with me…i got her up and gave her breakfast. We went down stairs where she played…having no idea how freaked out i was. I watched as they started estimating how many people were in those buildings…10,000…TEN THOUSAND.
By 10:30 central it was all over. I took my daughter outside to play. What else could I do.

By the time i got to the office people were working but the mood was somber. I had a late afternoon meeting that day. after the meeting. I was emotionally drained…scared and tense. The headache that set in was a killer. I got home about 8 am. Hugged my wife and kids…threw up and went to bed. The day had taken its toll and i knew no one who was even there. But the day had taken its toll.

AFAIK the video below was released fairly recently to the public.
The video is in HD. Collapse of #2 tower at ~18 minutes.
Standard youtube warnings apply.
Distressing footage bellow.

Related story bellow:

What possibilities came to your mind?

I just watched the HBO documentary about my high school on 9/11. I’m in a few of the pictures, and know most of the students interviewed.