Netanyahu indicted in corruption cases, hours before Mideast plan announced

Convenient distraction from his indictment.

Even if he wasn’t facing legal troubles, he has no business announcing or pursuing any major policy while he is essentially in caretaker status.

If he wins in March and can form a true government, only then is he in any position to pursue such a policy.

Just a ******* joke and distraction right now.


More foreign corruption rooted out by Trump. He is relentless and clearly plays no favorites.


Send Rudy to Jerusalem, stat.

So no one forgets.

This “plan” is just a load of feces designed to district the morons in Israel and the United States from the fact that Netanyahu was just indicted.

This plan is nothing.

The ONLY significant occurrence is Netanyahu’s indictment and we should be focusing the sheep back on the relevant issue, not an irrelevant distraction.


Bantustans are the modern, humane way to suppress and dominate.

Why is Netanyahu allowed to leave Israel?

Cigars or another attempt to a peace deal… mmmmmm

I can certainly see why Trump and Netanyahu get along. They have very similar styles.

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