Nazi Comparisons Are Not Permitted and will result in Suspensions

Is comparing democrats to Stalin and Kim Jong-Un still okay? Because, y’know, they’re some pretty bad people as well.

The rules address Nazis references.

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Ok as per the above examples- it quite quickly goes from Russia making the absurd allegation to posters doing so. I gave two examples.

After all the bans I have eaten in the past I find the best thing to do is if your not sure if a comment is acceptable then don’t make the comment.

If that means Hannity forum goes without some of my pearls of wisdom then I am sure the mods and posters will not lose any sleep.

This is not a new rule and we all know making comparing current events to Nazis or a nazi regime does not fly.

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I have observed it go even further. That needs to come to an end. There are plenty of ways to discuss groups, listing their perceived pros and cons, supported by documented actions on the group or individual’s part… It is too tempting for some to drop directly into the Nazi label, it evokes an emotional response and provides cover for taking actions. It is obviously part of the objective of the Russian allegation. As said before it diminishes the evil that was Hitler and his Nazi party of WW II.


I firmly believe in everyone making their points. Nazi comparisons just aren’t the way to do it. If we think someone, or some group, is a bad player, list what makes them a bad player. Lay it out and open it for debate.


This is exactly what I was told about memes once upon a time. You have all conceded my meme mastery (begrudgingly or not) since. :wink:


LOL I remember those days, there was also a short period when everyone was running around insisting if you post a meme Hannity was going to get sued into oblivion for copyright violations. Funny how things change.

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One of the greatest wrongs I have personally corrected. And some of those libs had the nerve to complain. :sunglasses:



Seems to me it is perfectly clear and some are trying to move goal posts to their liking. Just don’t mention tbat word like @e7air said. I heard @e7alr clearly. @SixFoot also clearly stated.

Just knock it off and follow the rules.

I think you might only remember what you think you want for your reality. We can work with you on petspective, my dear brother.

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Is “fascist” ok?

The Nazis of WW II weren’t just fascists, they were genocidal. It is the genocidal nature of that regime and its leader that sets it apart and will always be associated with the term Nazi. Fascist does not equal Nazi and Nazi does not equal fascist.

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Thanks for clarifying.