Navy wants to deep six 10 Littoral Combat Ships (I have a much better idea)

My daughter went out on LCS 7 on what was supposed to be a training mission. Well, it was, but not what they planned. Let’s just say she was NOT impressed. They limped back to Port 24 hours after leaving.

All the individuals involved with the engine fiasco on the LCSs should be keelhauled, preferably using the hull of the USS Gerald R. Ford. That was the worst contractor negligence, Navy dereliction, that I have ever seen in my life.

Yea, she mentioned a big oil leak, oil fire, etc.

Eisenhower warnings were pretty short lived. LBJ and the Viet Nam war changed everything.

Eisenhower was honest and LBJ was not. What hasn’t changed, is the lack of honesty in most of our politicians since Eisenhower and Pelosi and Biden are two perfect, present day examples of what I’m saying.

Nixon and Kissenger only made it worse.

Agreed and George W and DICK didn’t help either.

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