National Coalition for Men v Selective Service System intermediate update

National Coalition for Men v Selective Service System is still kicking around, despite little recent fanfare. I believe it was argued before the 5th Circuit in October and the 5th Circuit should rule sometime early next year.

My previous thread on the subject.

The ACLU was joined on the above amici brief by several organizations, included the National Organization for Women. Perhaps the first time NOW and NCfM have been on the same side. :smile:

In a related development, a Commission is expected to issue a report early next year that is expected to urge Congress to abolish the Selective Service System entirely, which would, of course, render this case moot. If the 5th Circuit and Supreme Court uphold the District Courtā€™s ruling, it is highly likely the Selective Service System will be abolished, as no politicians seem willing to take the toxic political position of making women register for the draft.

So equality sometimes.


Equality only when women want it.


You know, maybe it would be a good thing to have a draft and run them all through BCT and AIT. That way when Trump letā€™s the Russians interfere with the elections again, weā€™ll have a bunch of well-regulated militia zis we can call up to fight the war.

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The draft and selective service have existing in various forms since the Civil War, over 150 year ago. Men have been the only ones drafted or forced to register for the draft. Likewise gay men were excluded from the draft as well.

Affirmative action would require that only women and gays register for the next 150 years, or at least they be given ā€œspecial preferencesā€ for the honor of fighting for the country.

I would be very happy if Selective Service and any possibility of a draft went away forever.

And that will almost certainly come to pass if this lawsuit is successful on appeal.

We need to plan for even the worst possible exigencies. How about EMP attacks taking down the entire electric grid followed by an invasion? A draft could become a matter of our very survival as a country. As unlikely as that may seem, that is how they have to think and plan, even if loosely.

If that happens the US military will be combat ineffective.

The issue here is that with an EMP attack, most command and control and civil government would be wiped out, so there would be no way to conduct that draft and all the registration information on the computers would be gone anyway.

The issue here is females donā€™t want equality.


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