My Trump Story - Things I Think About

William McKinley campaigned from his front porch while William Jennings Bryan spoke all over the nation in front of large frenzied crowds.

McKinley beat the snot out of Bryan.

I’m sure that election was rigged.

Trump also had bigger rallies than Hillary and lost the popular vote there as well and barely won the electoral vote.

You guys and your preoccupation with size…you know what they say…:rofl:


william jennings bryan. lol

you nailed it

The size of rallies is indicative of absolutely nothing.

Again…your preoccupation with size…:rofl:

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That quote is coming back to haunt us since the Democrat Party is not the Party of JFK who is probably turning in his grave as his Party is destroying the country.


when you grow up beyond eighth grade, maybe we can continue this discussion

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lol. why do i bother….?

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The saddest part is, most people here would be a blast to hang out and just be human beings with. All it takes is one addiction to ruin it all. :man_shrugging:


I’m a blast at parties…especially for my sense of humor.

I simply cannot believe we are on Trump’s third election run and there are nimrods still arguing that rally size correlates to the popular vote…:rofl:

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You only act like a lame lib online. It’s the character you play on this MMORPG. :rofl:


I actually went full tard bought all the propaganda about imminent market meltdown shorted the market and lost 28k in one day, won’t be fooled again by the talking heads.

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When Trump became a public figure years before he ran for office, it didn’t take me long to notice that he would lie and say anything to make himself look good. And he was the first rich person who bragged about his wealth that I had seen. So it was not surprising to see the fact that he was never as rich as he made himself out to be. I also noticed early on how ignorant he was of current events. And so I was not surprised to see how he had no clue on how our government ran. But what is really interesting is how many of his supporters think that he is more popular than he really is.


I couldn’t stand to listen…I wondered…why doesn’t someone teach him how to talk and give speaches.
But he was doing ALL the right stuff.
No matter how insignificant my support for him NEVER changed.
Yes he is odd but he keeps his promises and he truly loves this country.
Half of the country can SEE that.
But…the Left is corrupt. I am afraid they will pull another trick in November.

Do you like what Biden says?
Is he beating your drums?
Talk about pandering and throwing the herd of cows a bail of hey.
And they ALL buy into it.
What a sad life…to be bought with a freebeee…

Or a bone to bunch of hungry dogs.


Iam afraid you’re correct.
There is NOTHING the Left won’t do to keep him out.

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The minute you throw the Popular vote into the mix you’ve lost the argument.
Popular vote has nothing to do with reality of election in a Representative Republic.
It just means that one or two parts of the country sweyed into something USA is not supposed to be and never was.
Those people don’t care about the Republic or other people ONLY about THEM SELF and THEIR power and how to grab it.
If you’re one of those I truly feel sorry that you’re so lost.
What is more honorable than cariing about your fellow citizens and sharing the RIGHTS with them.


There…you proved it with that first sentence.
Everything I believe about the Left.
The Left does not care about ANYONE who does not think the way they do.
They’re into them self and their power. NOONE else egsists except to serve THEM.
Yet…all day long they preach about inclusion and “Democracy”.
All along they practice the OPPOSITE.


He “had no clue” yet he did a great job.
Ask half of the country who want him back.

Why does it bother you if he brags about his wealth.
If he started with a Million and got to double it why not brag.
You live with bragging every day…it’s called “Puffing”.
Or havent you noticed.
The car salesman is selling you the best car of the year.
The grocery clerk is selling the freshest stuff in town.

Let him bragg. I am not jelaous. Good for him. Do it again Pal… :clap: :dancer: :clap: :dancer:
I am happy for people who better them self…DOES NOT matter how much.
PLUS…he bettered America in short 4 years.
Life was good THEN.
Look at the brainles shmo in the WH now. Look at the disaster here and arround the World. Empty your pockets…do you have money left to donate?
I don’t any more.


As opposed to divisive racist rhetoric like: “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black enough” or
“If you vote for a Republican Dey gunna put you back in chains”.


His children had to grow up in a racial jungle because of those damn school buses. :rofl:

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