My mom got her first Mederna shot this morning

From COVID…that was in May. He was one of 5 of my DD residents who ended up in hospital. And do you know what The common denominator was?

Cerebral Palsey or Epilepsy. One or the other. My peeps with Autism or Down Syndrome did not end up in hospital.

Happy for your family. Mine had hers two weeks back and is doing well - just a sore shoulder and fatigue for a single weekend.

This is exactly what I told my managers. And yeah it was Moderna so while it surprised us…it wasnt unexpected.

I had a sore arm for two days. For first 30 hours I was really lethargic. On Thursday I was more dopey than usual. Lol…and was kinda dizzy. Today I feel like a million bucks.

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Glad you’re feeling better and are all done with the vaccines.

Also anecdotal, but from the people I’ve talked to it seems the Pfizer vaccine is a little more intense when it comes to side effects, especially the second dose. I’ve heard of at least two hospitals that had brief staffing issues because people didn’t stagger their second doses and had call offs from the side effects. Both current vaccines can cause similar symptoms though.

I looked briefly at the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. It’s different in that it uses a non-reproducing “common cold” virus to insert material into cells. They have a vaccine for Ebola that uses the same mechanism. Side effects from that vaccine appear to be more common than the current COVID mRNA vaccines. At least you (likely) only get one dose.

Sotto that was my first shot… My sister got her Moderna the week before, and felt nothing. So I’m wondering if I indeed had mild case of COVID?

Shoot, I had a bad reaction to my second shingles shot. Fever, chills, body aches . . . just about everything advertised. I think our Covid shots are coming soon. Can’t wait. Bring on the side effects!

The side effects truly means its working right…you’re having an immune response…which is the whole purpose. Right?

Incidentally my mom got Pfizer on Thursday and had no side effects

That’s just great. Let’s get this thing going! But, also, why can’t they manufacture n95 masks to beat the band. We can go the moon, but . . .

Was reading about this mask made by Novano…its from Israel. Its fibers are interspersed with Zinc Oxide. It kills the virus within 30 minutes of contact.

It’s 50 to 60 dollars for one but it can be used for over a year…and can withstand over 55 washes. Worth it? Sounds promising

Maybe. Or just had side effects from the first dose. I had side effects from the first Moderna dose. It was mostly shoulder pain the next day but I did feel pretty bad just before bed.

I see it as a good thing. It means your body is reacting and likely mounting an immune response.

Yep. Is this the beginning of the end Sotto…or just a band aid?

In the very short term, we won’t see a significant impact on new infections and deaths from the vaccine. It’s a matter of statistics and epidemiology. Hopefully, as the most at risk are vaccinated we will see some benefits come spring or summer.

As far as long term, that will be up to the virus. Best case scenario, it doesn’t mutate and as there are fewer and fewer people who can host it, it will die out. I’m not optimistic about that. My personal opinion is that it will mutate into a less lethal but more durable and transmissible form which will be very similar to the seasonal flu. Some seasons will be worse than others and we will have a seasonal coronavirus vaccine similar to influenza. Worst case scenario it mutates becoming resistant to the current vaccine and we’re back to square one.

So, long answer short - using the analogy, it’s probably just a long term band aid which will need to be changed from time to time but can help prevent anything really bad from popping up.

Not necessarily. Most people do not have a severe reaction to it, yet they (Moderna) says the shots are 95% effective and that those who still get infected are less likely to get a severe case.

In a few days, there will be more people immunized with at least one shot than have come down with the infection over the last ten months. We should be seeing the effect very soon, if we have not already in many areas of the country. At this point its hard to discern the slowing of the Holiday travel bump vs. the effect of so many people now having immunity.

I think “a few days” is a bit optimistic. 25 million total cases. So far 17.4 million people have gotten at least one dose. 7.6 million to close that gap. Maybe a couple weeks.

When we get to 50 million who have either had the vaccine or have had COVID, that will be 15% of the US population. I hope that will be enough to make some sort of impact, but that’s only 1/4 to 1/6 of the way to herd immunity based on what numbers you use.

I hope we see benefit that soon, but I’m not that optimistic.

I got my 93 yo mom scheduled for the vaccine on Jan 30. I’m getting mine on Jan 27.

2.6 million doses administered last Thursday and Friday (Sat no. not in yet) average 1.3 million per day (25-17.4)/1.3 = 6 days. By my estimation, that is a few days.

I hope it goes quickly. That is the goal.

The one thing to add is those are total daily doses. That number doesn’t differentiate those getting a second dose from those getting their first. So only a portion of those daily doses are going to those getting their first dose and adding to the percent of Americans who could potentially be immune.

I can’t find the exact daily numbers, but 18.5 million have gotten at least one dose. 3.2 million have gotten both. So, 15.3 million of the upcoming doses will be for the second dose. For all of those needing to get a second dose in the next 3.5 weeks, 0.6 million of the daily doses will be second doses.