Must See: Mark Levin Delivers His Opening Statement on Impeachment

what allegiances do babies have?

If the draft were ever enacted again could we legally make them serve in our military?

Can people here illegally be drafted into our military if we are at war? If not then can we truly say that they are under our jurisdiction?

The law already requires that male immigrants, documented and undocumented, register with selective service. They can absolutely be drafted.

let me put it in simple terms.

anyone who can be punished by the judicial system is under American jurisdiction.
you will notice Ambassador, etc are given immunity to the law.

Its an odd argument because under the logic that only American citizen are under jurisdiction would mean I could come to America and punch a baby and the government can’t do anything.

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And what makes him a Constitutional scholar? He talks like his shorts are too damn tight.

What would be the punishment if they didn’t join up and left the country?

I imagine the same thing that would happen to a US citizen who flees the country to avoid the draft.

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Please give the facts to refute it. Don’t just say it’s wrong because then I’ll say “it’s right” and we’ll get nowhere.

Post something substantive to back up your assertion.

I have no colleagues, liberal or otherwise.

Levin is not important, frankly. He’s a talk show host shouting his opinion. (And in this case, wrong.)

I don’t get my information from talk radio. Even when I listened to Rush I always doublechecked everything he said with written sources on both sides of the aisle, which is what everyone should do.

I mean, really. “Mark Levin delivers his opening statement on impeachment.” As if he’s some official personage whose opinion counts. Oh, he’s entitled to his opinion, don’t get me wrong, but he’s wrong.

I don’t deny the deck is stacked against the Dems and Trump will probably skate on this. But as more and more of his lies and crimes come to light, well…it will be interesting - and sad - to see people here continue to defend him.

Good find TrumpGurl and spot on. Thanks for sharing.

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He has a legal background and has been involved with advising top politicians in legal matters such as these so…he’s a tad more than what you just alluded he is.

Levin worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a best-selling author of seven books, and contributes commentary to various media outlets such as National Review Online.

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Did you graduate summa cum laude in PS from Temple at 19?


dang :joy:

It amazes me how many people don’t understand the 3/5ths “compromise”.

He’s much more than that, and it is noted for the record that you were incapable of refuting the subject matter he put forth, just like the rest of the liberals here. They ae all long on name-calling and void on facts.

Correct. Thank you.

I knew when I started this thread that VERY Liberal here would fall into typical Liberal posture: First they would refuse to view the facts in the video, second they would try to marginalize this scholar as a way to cover up their own ignorance, and third they would go off topic. Liberals can never win on facts. They either cheat, lie, or in the case of this impeachment try to overthrow the government because they know they will lose again. Liberals and Democrats are now the enemy of America. They have proven that they will break any law and tell any lie in the quest for power.

Thanks for proving what I just said. Pathetic.

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It’s amusing, how Trump supporters, like Trump himself, shows us nakedly what they are doing by ascribing it, in great detail, to the LIBZZ.

I like that…is it the possessive plural form of the word? :sunglasses:

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