Murder, rape and other crimes committed by illegals acceptable risk?

No, that’s why you don’t let them in and deport them if they sneak in. They’re illegal.

See op.


Thank you.

And if I had wheels I’d be a wagon.

They’re here. No matter how big that hoopty’s extended bed is you won’t ever catch them all and you won’t ever fill all the cracks.

I know that when the nice lady down the road is being beat to death in her home at midnight her 8 and 10 year old sons can call the sheriff because I live in a sanctuary county and I’m ok with that.

Criner is a citizen.

I see.

Which means they either afraid to answer or they lack convictions for their cause.

To my mind this is like asking if it’s worth it to have people at all. We are never going to reduce illegal entry to zero. Bad things are going to keep happening. Where we disagree politically is whether or not we assume the worst about everyone outside of our border who wants in for desperate reasons and has no timely means to do so legally.

I think it sucks that the arguments end up with us demonizing each other, ergo conservatives hate brown people and liberals want to flood the electorate with sympathetic illegal voters. I don’t think either of those stereotypes typify citizens on either side.

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So the collateral is acceptable to you?

Now you’re gettin it.

Which one’s the collateral, the dead kids or the dead kids?

No. That is not the question.
Their “timely” has nothing to do with us.

We don’t assume the worst of all of them. Most of them are not savages.

The question is: Is the collateral acceptable.

Then your question is silly. We have to deal with citizens. We have no choice. We do not have to deal with illegals.

Citizens dead at the hands of illegals.

Why can’t you guys admit the collateral damage is worth the cause you’re fighting.

We accept the consequences of armed society to preserve Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Why can’t libs accept their own consequences for your collateral damage?

Why did you post that?

So citizen dead kids over non citizen dead kids?

So much for compassionate conservatism. What a relic I am, thinking we can help both.

If wishes were fishes.

So it the collateral is acceptable?

It can be done.

Yes. Citizen over non-citizen. Every time.