What the what now?

Church members don’t champion child abuse or make excuses for it.
They made a lot of excuses for it. And covered it up.

It’s only child abuse if you refuse to let teachers have your 6 year old sons penis removed and pump him full of hormones
Can you cite a single case of that happening here ever?
Look at how you escalated this. Started with Ceasar posting some clickbait showing celebrities having their boys dressed in some dresses. 14 posts later and you’ve jumped to the inevitable conclusion that this ends with the kid getting a sex change by his teacher. Seem a bit hyperbolic to you?
Also, you have kids?
No hyperboly here…
Just a natural progression of Liberal thinking and their end game.
They are not being ludocrous just for sports and for no reason.
All this is a carefuly calculated strategy and “technique” as someone called it earlier.
A “technique” is a specific set of actions and sircumstances set in motion with a specific outcome and end result expected. Nothing left to speculation or debate.+ nod…nod…nod.
My nephew in grade school came home one day from school and asked his mom: “Mom, am I a girl?” His mom asked what gave him that idea? He said the teachers have been telling him for weeks he is a girl. They tried to trans him. He said he doesn’t want to be a girl, but the teachers keep telling him he’s a girl.
But hey, naw, schools aren’t doing that, huh?
I Don’t believe any word of what you said. Why would teacher tell a kid out of the blue that he is opposite sex.
Any evidence other than your word?
This remind me of the fake story about litter box in bathroom in school. That turned out to be fake.
I don’t care if you don’t believe it. I figure you know it’s true, and going on all over the country, but it’s part of the leftist agenda so like they do every issue, deny, they downplay, then say it’s old news, then say it’s happening but it’s ok.
No, they’re really not. Sorry you fell for that stupid ■■■■■

Church members don’t champion child abuse or make excuses for it.
Speaking of indoctrinated…
Sry, missed this somehow. Dont want to get too specific about location but southern IN area.