Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy from the Left

Right now you say it’s hyperbole. Perhaps, but not by much. There are already many, maybe most on your side that literally believe that children belong to the state. You guys are the ones saying parents should have no say in their kids curriculum. You guys are the ones saying that teachers and schools should have the right to hide if their children identify differently at school than at home. You guys are the ones saying that parents who do not allow their young children to identify as the sex or gender if their choice are guilty of child abuse and the state should have the right to take those children away from the parents. You guys are the ones who insist that trannies be allowed to come onto schools and teach children they are normal, and allow tranny story time. You guys are the ones who are sexualizing our kids against the wishes of parents. And yes, there are people on your side saying that children should be allowed to have their sex changed, even if their parents disagree.

I jump right to the chase with you guys. Today’s hyperbole is tomorrows reality with your side and yet you completely deny this. You guys push inch by inch, then yard by yard and then mile by mile and you never stop at ANYTHING. A perfect example: Barack Obama declared that tax payers should never, and will never be forced to pay for abortions. You do remember all the way back to his administration don’t you l? And who was his VP again? Joe Biden has declared tax payers funded abortions are a RIGHT! Your side has also said that partial birth abortion are ok and that abortions should be legal right up until the time of delivery. Now, at THIS time, being September of 2023, abortions up till the moment of delivery may not yet be the mainstream Lib view, but you guys are getting more and more under the control of the militant, radical wing of your party and I’ll bet you a billion dollars this extreme is coming and WILL become the mainstream view of your party within the next 2 Democrat administrations.

Yes, I have kids, but they’re adults now. I also have grandsons in public school. I live in Indiana which has been historically red with a few exceptions, and I live in a red county so our schools haven’t reached the despicable level of perversion and indoctrination of the blue controlled cities and schools, but it’s creeping in and we won’t be able to resist the tide much longer. I hope my grandsons graduate before this sickness takes over their schools too, but it’s inevitable.


Sure is, and I think they should all get a slug to the back of the head if found guilty.

How would you know?

Hey, fellow Hoosier! :wink: I normally call CO home, but was born and raised in IN and am currently residing here for a short while.

Now for the post.

Yes, your jump there was hyperbolic, to say the least. You’re seeing a picture of young boys in dresses and then immediately extrapolating that in their near term future their own parents will castrate them, pump them full of hormones, presumably in the Mr. Mannix’s science room. Over a picture?

I have a pic of my oldest son (recent college grad) when he was around 10 or so of him putting on my nieces dress along with his cousin (her brother). As far as I know, that’s the only time he’s been in a dress, but believe it or not he’s not Trans. Nor is my nephew. My daughter has a friend that we’re pretty sure has a crush on her and has for some time (they’re in middle school). He likes to dress in dresses fairly often, actually. You’re definitely getting ahead of yourself on this one.

You didn’t jump right to the chase. You made up scenarios in your own mind that, by your own admission, don’t even exist. And then, that’s the point you start to argue from. Think about that for a minute.

I don’t know anyone, left or right, that believe their children belong to the State. Do you honestly believe that? You think I would hand over my children to the State or somehow believe that the children of even the most deranged Trumpster would somehow be better of with the State instead of their own parents? I don’t.

No, my side is not saying parents should have no say in their kids curriculum. Quite the opposite. Now, we have to be more engaged with the schools to ensure the curriculum is comprehensive and on par with what other kids around the world are learning. I want my kids, and the rest of future generations to be able to compete on the global stage. By contrast, the right has been attacking these curriculum by declaring that everything purple is gay, and everyone gay is a pedo, and most teachers are gay so our kids are being taught by pedos. Seriously, this is the sort of nonsense coming from the right. And it was never a real issue until covid.

Teachers and schools have the right to hide? You mean, the teachers and schools can hide the kids from their parents? Is that what you mean? I think you’re referring to some of the policies where schools are not required to reveal the gender their child identifies as at school. Personally, I think it’s sad we even have to have such policies. They are there for the child’s protection, unfortunately. Here’s my perspective on that. If the dynamic between you and your own kid are such that they don’t feel comfortable confiding in something that personal to you, then you as a parent have failed and no policy and no amount of demonizing educators is going to change that one bit. If your own kid is hiding thing from you, they are afraid of you. If that’s the case, that parent has much bigger issues (real ones) to contend with.

I have no issues with transgender people.

I am not sexualizing kids, nor is anyone I know. But I must say, it’s hard to have any conversation today with a conservative concerning kids with out them talking about sex.

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So, why then aren’t you equally enraged by Churches? By Priests and Sunday school teachers? I think by any measure, the cases of child abuse that occur in churches far exceed anything you can find in schools, but you’re motivated to attack schools and educators, libraries and librarians. Why is that?

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Greetings back at you! Funny thing, when I went into the service, I couldn’t wait to get out of Indiana, but the day I got out, made a beeline back. Been here ever since. Honestly, as I have grown older, I have to say Indiana has been a pretty good place. Always wanted to visit Colorado, but haven’t made it yet. Yes, we can continue our conversation, but first, where in Indiana are you from? ( if it’s not too personal on a public forum)

can’t drive, can’t drink, can’t vote, but you can mutilate your body…

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No hyperboly here…
Just a natural progression of Liberal thinking and their end game.
They are not being ludocrous just for sports and for no reason.
All this is a carefuly calculated strategy and “technique” as someone called it earlier.
A “technique” is a specific set of actions and sircumstances set in motion with a specific outcome and end result expected. Nothing left to speculation or debate. :sweat_smile: + nod…nod…nod.

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In Sunday school no kid got castrated nor will anything about his identity be changed. Saying a prayer, reciting Aligience etc. has no devastating and at times IREVERSIBLE consequences.
It teaches a kid respect for others in a way, gives them stability, structure, dignity, and they still reserve the right to follow it as adults or not.
He/she is not bambuzled into believing that he’she is not what he biologicly realy is, it sadles a kid with a sense of prosecution by being " born different" and often subject to bulliing and shaming by kids who don’t understand the stupidity of the whole hoax and fiasco and who created it in the first place.

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My nephew in grade school came home one day from school and asked his mom: “Mom, am I a girl?” His mom asked what gave him that idea? He said the teachers have been telling him for weeks he is a girl. They tried to trans him. He said he doesn’t want to be a girl, but the teachers keep telling him he’s a girl.

But hey, naw, schools aren’t doing that, huh?


Something else that’s really rich from the left is them saying a trans is biological. Pfffffffffffft!

It’s NOT biological, but hey, follow the science!

I Don’t believe any word of what you said. Why would teacher tell a kid out of the blue that he is opposite sex.

Any evidence other than your word?

This remind me of the fake story about litter box in bathroom in school. That turned out to be fake.


Is this a fiction you are writing? It needs work.

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Because that is the “technique” and the first step developed and widely approved by the Left in the process of indoctrination of our kids.
First they drive a wedge between kids and parents then when they took the power from parents they then mold the kids in their image.
Kids are now separated from mom and dad, frightened, dependant on teachers and absorbing like sponges anything these perverts tell them.

You pay money to get outraged now?


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They do none of these things.

Spoken like someone who has never sat on a classroom or even talked to a teacher.

Teachers barely have the energy to make sure the students get their assignments in on time.

And now they have to deal with these ■■■■■■■■ attacks.

Any follow up to this real story by a real person not named PatriotMom on Facebook?

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Alex. I’ll take “things that never happen” for 500$ please.

Because schools, educators, libraries, and librarians champion everything LGBTQ, and make excuses or scoff like it’s no big deal what is happening to kids. Church members don’t champion child abuse or make excuses for it.

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