Mulvaney's Press Conference

Yes. What do you think he admitted was a quid pro quo? It was certainly not investigate Biden and I’ll give you x, y, z. It may have been "Cooperate with our ongoing two year old investigation into 2016 election tampering… "

… or you don’t get that military funding.

“Cooperate with our ongoing two year old investigation into debunked conspiracy theory at my personal political benefit using congressionally-approved foreign aid as a cudgel to ensure your compliance which we have acknowledged was a quid pro quo.”

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Which is why I was trying to help you out.

Well, we are making progress. At least you are admitting that the Russia-Trump conspiracy has been debunked. However, it is still legitimate to uncover the genesis of that now debunked conspiracy theory, and some of those answers likely reside on Ukraine.


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No, no, no, this debunked conspiracy theory, as reported to Trump by his own homeland security adviser -


It doesn’t matter. I am not voting for Biden in the primaries.

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Called it.


Oh Dear God.

These people.


Just when you think this circus can’t get any crazier, a different monkey starts another round of poo flinging.

Best POTUS EVER!!! :rofl:

typical liberal looking down on a good old fashioned poop fling.

Mick Mulvaney done spilled all the tea.

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Just wait until it comes out that US - Ukrainian policy has been dictated in part by Dmytro Firtash via Rudy Guliani.


What the hell :rofl:

It’s as if you people think we’re going to forget the diplomats’ text messages that mention Burisma and the phone call that mentioned Biden and the many interviews where Rudy admitted they were pushing for an investigation into Biden and Trumps own admission that they wanted Ukraine to investigate Biden.

I don’t think it’s going to be a very good defense to say, “no no no, just the conspiracy-theory driven CrowdStrike server investigation was a pre-condition for security aid. We just said pretty please on the Biden stuff…”

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You know, this reminds me of the Johnson (?) quote, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”

ETA: Jimmy Carter

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Mick Mulvaney fired by this time next Sunday.

I always thought it was: “With friends like these, who needs enemas?”.

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