Multiple earthquakes in west texas

Jay Callaway, emergency management coordinator for the city of Snyder and Scurry County, spoke to the Texas Standard about the series of quakes.

This transcript has been edited lightly for clarity:

Texas Standard: As of last Friday, Scurry County had seen 61 earthquakes in a week. What’s it like to live there right now?

Jay Callaway: Things are going normal operation for most people. People are on edge a little bit as to what is going to come next. As of this morning, we’re up to 91 earthquakes in the last seven days, the largest being a 5.1 on Friday, is what I’m being told. That is the fifth strongest earthquake in the state of Texas so far“

yikes. i cannot imagine 90 earthquakes in a weeks time. from the article it says that it is a man made problem. hopefully man can fix it too for the residents of this Texas town. the oil people inject saltwater back into the earth. obviously this is causing the problem.


wow… I wonder how this is effecting the aquifers

I love the bullseye image. It gives visual meaning to “epicenter.”

Is Snyder a big fracking area?

it’s Texas… everyplace is a big area

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Global warming and climate change regurgitation coming in 5, 4,3,2……

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i think this an entirely local issue. earthquakes not normally associated with global warming. a tempest in a teapot.


Not one geological fact in this emotional tabloid piece.

5.1? Whoa, better make sure nothing wiggles off the shelf. :rofl:

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You left out “climate change” in your post. But wait, it’s coming.


He didn’t ask if it was a big frickin’ area. He asked about frAcking.

I wonder if the shrinking of the Ogallala Aquifer has anything to do with this.

Sounds like climate change.

You misread … I said fracking not ■■■■■■■■ :grinning:

Looks more like labor pains prior to the birth of a new volcano.

True. But everything is climate change nowadays. When I fart I blame it on climate change.

Good point. And your farts make it worse. We are doomed. :sunglasses:

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Well, a least I understood what you did there. :rofl:

Lot of fracking going on.

But when you hit that ling and zoom out…it’s nothing when you compare other areas.

Well, when the cinder cone begins to emerge from the center of that circle, the mystery of the earthquake swarm will be solved. :wink:

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