did you here the joke about the Vld, Putin, the FBI, The Russian MMA fighter, and the President.
Its very funny
did you here the joke about the Vld, Putin, the FBI, The Russian MMA fighter, and the President.
Its very funny
We don’t know if there were more payments. I guess we’ll have to wait until Cohen gets indicted.
Cohen (the president’s personsl lawyer for many years) will get indicted for sure, any trump supporters disagree?
Supposedly, $4.4M paid into the shell company set up by Cohen.
Here is the NYT article from earlier this morning. Which says $1.1M.
If Avenatti knows where the money came from…he likely knows where it went.
What day will he release that?
i cant believe everyone isnt up in arms over this… like people have their partisan blinders on
What legitimate service would the president’s personal lawyer/fixer be performing for multiple corporations and businessmen for hundreds of thousands of dollars that they couldn’t get elsewhere? You think they wanted the legal expertise of Mr. Says Who, Esq.? Their in-house corporate lawyers just weren’t up to the job?
You realize they can just look at bank records, right?
Remember that the bank actually flagged the wire transfer to Stormy Daniels as suspicious activity and reported it to the Treasury department. Something in the flow of deposits and payments must have looked funny for them to do that.
And now we know why he doesmt want to release his tax returns…
This explains why a judge granted a warrant to search Cohen’s office.
It’s none of your business!!! #MAGA!
Sucks we can’t edit our own posts.
We used to be able to…
what did people get more upset about…
Nothing to see here folks, just straight up pay to play, no biggie.
The question now is whether AT&T’s payments were an attempt to influence Trump’s views on the Time Warner deal or just research on a new – and idiosyncratic – administration. In addition to seeking guidance on the Time Warner transaction, the carrier also asked for information on tax-reform and net-neutrality policies, said the person familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified because the deliberations were private.
Wow, Trump should have negotiated on behalf of Novartis. They paid $1.2 million for nothing…
The agreement was for a term of one year, and paid Essential Consultants 100,000 USD per month. In March 2017, Novartis had its first meeting with Michael Cohen under this agreement. Following this initial meeting, Novartis determined that Michael Cohen and Essential Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated related to US healthcare policy matters and the decision was taken not to engage further. As the contract unfortunately could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018.
hmmmmmmm. This same russian "oligarch paid and paid much more to the clinton foundation and also an American company that sealed a huge contract thanks to clinton influence paid billy bob 200K for a speech shortly after a lucrative deal involving that oligarch’s company and that American company. So…you know if you are so sure that deals like this are evidence of a crime then, you know (equal justice and all), you should be even madder at those who got more/done more of it. Somehow i don’t think that’s gonna happen.
so it’s just a show.
Why? Is the Clinton Foundation suspected of colluding with Russia?