Mueller team questions Russians about payments to Michael Cohen -- CNN

The bombs continue to fall. AT&T now says THEY paid Cohen $200,000 for “insights into understanding the new administration.” Holy wowzah. Is that a bribe?

He was president, and for two terms. Let’s see if Trump lasts at least one.

He doesn’t care. He’s motivated by Trump being the anti-Obama.

So, there is nothing going on, right?

I get it. You want to deny the people voices that you oppose.

It’s either your way of nothing.

Well heartland Americans are tired of your authoritative nature…i’ts the reason why they don’t like libs.

is this like kicking in liberal teeth or something?

So whoever doesn’t trust or is concerned about Trump is a lib? Man, life ain’t that simple.

That’s very fishy.

I understand Conan, but his resentment is not allowing him to view Trump objectively.

Conan’s bubble is collapsing lol. What happened to all your precious anti-corruption ideals?

That is some serious pay to play

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Look, as Rudy explained a few days ago, many wealthy people have various arrangements like this. And so and so forth.

Rudi is great entertainment.

As long as these payments were sent over secure servers, I can’t see what the problem here is.

It’s all resentment against the socioeconomic changes our country is going through. Sadly, Trump has tapped into that, not allowing people like Conan to see through his BS and his shady dealings.

You’re right, but that’s sort of a gentle euphemism at this point, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

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That is exactly what it seems like. If this is true, AT&T has a crisis on tgeir hands.

i hate to keep harping on stuff and repeating myself but i think this investigation (and the trials and other investigations that it spawns) go on for years.

today actually feels like the tip of the iceberg.


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FYI, I created a thread on the AT&T story.