Mueller team questions Russians about payments to Michael Cohen -- CNN

Don’t give him any ideas. The Orange Doofus would probably try to exhume his body. :slight_smile:

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Sure it is…it’s only you didn’t make it so difficult.

I’ve seen reports about payments made.

Where are the reports of “actual bribes”?


This is the second big story breaking today. CNN reports AT&T confirmed Tuesday evening that it says it paid President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen at least in 2017 and, according to CNN possibly 2018, for what it calls “insights into understanding the new administration.” The payments were revealed by Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti.

At the time of the payments, the AT&T-Time Warner merger was hanging in the air. Trump originally opposed it. (On a side note, Variety is reporting on that merger today that the Justice Department is requesting AT&T take DirecTV or Turner out of the merger deal.)

Pay to Play.

Well, only if it’s a Democrat.

Not sure what to call it in this case.

Me either. The fact they had the merger going at that time is a key, I would think.

Why is this a bombshell?

Indeed. Crooked lawyer taking money “bombshell”. Crooked CoJ and FBI no big deal.

look a deflection! you so cool

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So if CNN paid somebody for insight into an organization, that would be a bombshell?

AT&T puts money into Cohen/Trump shell company during time of anti-trust potential.

You figure out the rest.

You wish you were cool.

$200k? You must be joking. ATT spends that at the company picnic.

only to my kids…nobody else matters

Pay to play.

It’s called a bribe. And of course our resident anti-corruption hero Conan deflects to Hillary.


Hey, remember that scandal about how improper it was when that person from Bill Clinton’s charity asked the State Department for a special passport to use so he could help get some hostages out of North Korea.

Good thing we kept that kind of shady, corrupt behavior out of the White House.

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Rachel Maddow is on live right now is reporting that other companies also paid money to Michael Cohen, also. Wow.

I suspect this is going to put a little delay on the final Bob Mueller outcome.

As transparent as a pane of glass freshly washed and squeeged.

I hope there is not a sense of acceptance of this kind of behavior around here just because it was done by the R team.