Mueller asking for 70 new subpoenas

Oh wow this is a riot, but I’m not laughing!

I don’t hate my fellow Americans, I hate LIBERALS who hate America. Liberals drew first blood on hatred and division and its time to respond and put an END to it. Liberals don’t respect the response of the ballot box with the constant attacks on Trump and those that voted for him and that is what is grotesque and that is what is DANGEROUS to the country.

She’s right…whether you can accept it or not.

Date June 19th 2014

Quote Originally Posted by Sean_Hannity View Post
Here at the show we are all about solutions, whether we are talking about how to get people back to work, helping our nation become energy independent or helping you to navigate our website a little easier. I hope you enjoy the new site, which allows you to find the answers you need more quickly, from breaking news and midterm elections to the latest news out the Middle East. Make sure to tune in Friday, I have a surprise announcement about the new site I think you might like. Keep the feedback coming and we’ll certainly do our best to make sure this is a great resource for us all to have an open, honest discussion about the topics that matter most to the future of our nation.

My reply

Thanks Hannity for the forum and allowing us to express our opinions.
As of today the number one issue is our government and threat it poses to a free society. The dangers that we are witnessing from this administration is far more dangerous then radical religious thugs in middle east. They me take our lives, but radicals in the white house can take our freedoms that the radicals with guns can only dream of.

Again thanks for this opportunity.

Last edited by Conan; June 19th, 2014 at 1:04 pm.

You blanked on 2008-20016. Good on you.

Liberals love America just as much as Conservatives. There are very few people who actually hate America, but they’re not isolated to a specific political ideology.

Even if what you say is true, that Liberals drew first blood on hatred and division, the answer to that would not be to respond in kind. That will only escalate the hatred and division. I would suggest focusing on the areas where you have common ground with Liberals. I’m sure there’s much that can be agreed upon.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say about respect for the ballot box.

Trip, Trip, Trip, Trip , Trippin’.
Mike Muier.

Not responding, or any pushback or even explanation is NOT an answer since there is no respect by liberal Democrats for the outcome at the ballot box of the 2016 Election. The only crime Trump committed was WINNING the election. There is no respect for the outcome of the election by leftists and Democrats (and some RINO’s) its nothing but resistance and attacks.

Liberal masterminds have convinced half the citizens in this country that the enemy is the other half of the citizens in the country and that only liberal elites are right and only liberal elites can “Govern” aka “Control” the masses and the corrupt MSM is complicate with them. And their response to the result of the “peaceful” pushback at the ballot box is an never ending ATTACK on a duly elected President, those that work and worked for him and those who voted for him.

There is nothing in common with those who literally hate you and instigate & incite violence against you and to think there is common ground is nothing short of suicide. That’s why Trump won and that’s why that half the nation that liberals hate so much have been forced to fight back with the same level of intensity.

I recall your numerous posts defending the Obama administration.

For maybe the hundredth time, where are you guys getting your inside information into this investigation?

Liberals respect the outcome at the ballot box just as much as Conservatives do. Do suggest otherwise is silly.

We don’t know if this is true or not. It’s currently being investigated for probable cause.

This sounds like projection.

Again, Liberals are not your enemy. They don’t hate you because of your professed ideology. Granted, some of your viewpoints might be viewed as grotesque. For instance, i find your view of your fellow Americans, who happen to identify politically differently than you, as evil incarnate, pretty repugnant. However, i don’t “literally hate you” and i certainly am not calling for violence against you. You certainly aren’t “committing suicide” by finding common ground with liberals.

Trump won for a lot of reasons. It’s sad to think you’re so hated, and that you need to respond in kind. I’ll pray for you.

I don’t recall being asked that question but the answer is I get the same crap information that everyone else gets which is a whole lot of nothing!

Except of course for Muellers public announcement of indictments of 13 Russians for posting pro and con ads for both candidates on social media, and for paying and organizing pro & con rally’s for both candidates. Lets not forget Manaforts indictment of an alleged money laundering crime that supposedly happened in 2005 which had nothing to do with the campaign of 2016! So just what kind of inside info do you have for the reason to continue this nonsense since Mueller concluded and announced that the Russians interfered with equal treatment to both candidates and campaigns. It looks like Mueller is not only colluding but is in cahoots with Russia to disrupt our democratic process.

And do you know how much its costs to be targeting as a person of interest or even a witness by a BIG GOVERNMENT agency like the FBI? It can cost 10’s to 100’s of THOUSANDS of $$$ in lawyer fees, travel & accommodation expenses and this is why someone like Flynn will confess to a FBI process crime just to get them off his back and prevent him from going bankrupt and ruining his life and the lives of his family.

Liberals, Democrats, never Trump Republicans, and cowardly RINO’s that do not demand an end to this Mueller witch hunt against a duly elected President are causing a Constitutional crisis in this country more then any foreign interference could ever do.

okay, so you’re getting your info from the media but still proclaiming that you know the outcome (when many of us admit that we have no idea how this all plays out).

but, like i’ve said to all the other people that are guessing like you, you could be correct.

i flipped a coin a while back to see if my coin is as accurate as posters. i can’t wait to see if it is.

I know the outcome based on what Mueller has made public!

The Russians did interfere with our election process by paying for ads and rally’s “pro & con” for both candidates. What is left to play out? Those who truly are concerned about Putin messing with our democratic process should realize that stretching this out Mueller is playing right into Putin’s plans to disrupt our democratic process and those that know its just witch hunt to get Trump are the ones in charge of this SCAM of an investigation.

Its a dangerous game being played against the stability of our democratic process and we all should be worried and concerned.

This is factually incorrect. Russian actions before the election never were directed against Trump. Only for him. You should probably read the indictment.


You know the outcome based on part of the info? That’s just guessing. And not really even good guessing because you don’t have all of the info.

NO, you’re wrong! There was no investigation before the election because Obama and his Administration didn’t start one because they thought Hillary would win so they didn’t care. Get a grip and get some actual facts. Muellers 13 indictments against the Russians was for interference of BOTH campaigns! As a matter of fact the Russians were more fair and balanced in their interference with our election politics then this one sided witch hunt of an investigation.

trump said rudy started yesterday…

Figure of speech, perhaps.

yeah, or perhaps he’s a lying ■■■■■■■■

That’s simply not true.

Word on the streets is that Russians are advising Adam Schiff not to talk about impeachment…and they are advising Nancy Pelosi to shut her pie hole.

Which makes sense. Putin want democrats to put the breaks on Trump. And of course libs are all to happy to oblige him.

There…the cat is out of the bag.