Much more dangerous that Cronovirus

Why because I disagree that closing the border would help?

It won’t. That’s not being defeatist…its being logical…

I have no issue with border security that isnt stupid.

Of course it is and I provided the quotes showing it.

What does that have to do with what we’re discussing other than effectively securing our borders can reduce deaths by both?

It wont…

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There is absolutely nothing logical about it.

The more we restrict new carriers and cases from coming into the country the less severe this outbreak will be.

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Securing our borders wont stop this

It will greatly reduce the influx of new carriers and cases which will only serve to overwhelm an already taxed system.

That is how you end up with a pandemic.


Sure there is. People get in. Period. You arent stopping this. The policies you suggest wont work…

Its already here…your policy is pointless

I can repeat this all night if need be

You’re just making things up.

The fewer that get in the fewer there are to spread the disease and the fewer than have to be treated here in the US.

It’s basic math.

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Repeat it all you want, we can all stand a good laugh.

It’s basic math, the more sick people you add to the existing population the worse it’s going to get.

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Who making things up? You cant stop it. With closing the border…fairly simple

Who is we? I only see one of you.

You are and have been all along claiming that controlling the borders will not reduce the spread of the disease in the US and all of the problems that go along with it.

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Those of us reading your ridiculous and baseless arguments.

It wont. You cant even keep drugs out…

So just you

Why is it you can’t think beyond absolutes?

We can reduce both the flow of drugs and illegals by securing the border. That isn’t even arguable.

Nobody is claiming we can completely shut it down.


Who is talking in absolutes? Not me

Seriously, read your own posts.

I say we can reduce it and you say we can’t “STOP” it. that is talking in absolutes.

The fewer new cases and carriers that get into the country the less severe and complicated this outbreak will be to deal with.

Great you agree with me…good job

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