“Most Lethal Terrorist Threat” - “White Supremacy”

I’m not done yet. :wink:

lol. beautiful

it is exactly how democrats think

they are ruining humanity

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So are we reading to really talk about how Blacks are being used?

White supremacy is thinking other races is beneath Whites, not as intelligent as Whites…but yet it is White democrats that think along those lines.

Biden is classic example of it.


a repeated example yes indeed.

If there is a problem with the tax code it needs to be addressed.

How much of a dollar paid in taxes actually reaches the end user by the time it filters through government hands.

One cent on the dollar, maybe less?

And folks want the government in charge?

I think not.

200 plus years later you (c) have nothing better to do with your (c) time than pick at scabs.

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I hold none of those views.

I am white.

I believe in America First.

Ergo, according to the libs, that makes me a White Nationalist. :woman_shrugging:

Apparently, that is a bad thing.

Shame, shame, shame on me for being a tax payer (yes, that means actually writing a check on a quarterly basis), an employer of (yes multiple folks of color… what the heck that even means) and everything evil that I am supposed to represent.

If they cannot provide for the people of their countries then management needs to be kicked to the curb.

Why does that need to be our problem?

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Liked and well said. :+1:

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Sure they do.

Yet, the libs get the looters released.

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Everyone should be paying in including the bottom 47 percent that pay no federal income taxes and in many cases get back even more than they paid in.

As long as that many have no skin in the game they will demand more and more handouts.


Of course it is. He forgot and the next week it was climate change.



I’m to the point that i don’t care what ancient atrocity they are angry about at any given moment any more.

They can kiss my grits i suppose.

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Because by helping them we help ourselves. I already outlined this. Plus, it is the right thing to do morally.

Yes, but you don’t see the “tax the rich” group calling for them to pay their fair share do you?


Actually, I’ve seen most tax the rich talking about them paying more than zero and being attacked for it.

Welp, teach a man to fish and you can feed him for a lifetime.

Libs seem to think: Feed a man a fish every day so he is dependent for a lifetime.

On my dime.

Nope. The right thing to do morally is to teach and cut bait. Sink or swim.


You sure don’t. A lot of the folks calling for the tax the rich probably fall into that 47 percent.