More republican voter fraud

Yes I see the R constantly getting caught doing voter fraud. While simultaneously screaming about everyone else doing it. Smells like projection and cheats.

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Or it smells like our side looks for and punishes frauds at least sometimes, the left doesn’t even bother to pretend like they look. In fact they actively ignore their own wrongdoing.

So again. Exactly the opposite of what you imply.

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The left isn’t even bothering to cover it up much.

Look no further than Hunter and Joe Biden.


Lol nope it’s still Rs pointing and screaming that others are doing the voter fraud when in actuality they’re the cheats. It’s always projection.

Elect a man as president whose own daughter had to shower late at night so daddy wouldn’t climb in the shower with her.

Who would have guessed that sniffing kids was only the first indicator. For all the “dressing room” griping the left used to do, they’ve sure shut up about the shower invading pedo they elected.


What do you see there? Besides a complete lack of evidence of… something something something :joy:

Nuh uhhh. You!!!

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:+1: :blush:

It displays the underlying extent of the united, corrupt forces protecting themselves.

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This is some next level cognitive dissonance right here.

As always… the lack of evidence for the massive conspiracy is actually evidence of how masterful the massive conspiracy is.


The absence of evidence is evidence, eh?

No. I saw the video of Fulton County observers being sent home and told that counting will end for the evening due to a malfunction but then continued before those same observers even made it to their cars in the parking lot, with NO EFFORT MADE TO REVERSE the “miscommunication”. There’s evidence but accepting a lie of “miscommunication” when the video clearly shows if that was true, it was easily reversable but…was purposefully not done.


I saw it too. They started dragging out those suitcases full of ballots out from under the tables.

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And it was investigated by republicans and they found no wrongdoing.

“miscommunication”…that was easy to correct…but was not. Now…investigate that truth.

How did this theory work out for Rudy Guiliani?

Investigated by Rino’s.

I believe my own “lying” eyes.

He’s being thoroughly punished using our legal system for the sole purpose of financially bankrupting him. Those watching are to learn their lesson, to not even try to promote the truth.


Or… and try this one out… he was sued for defamation and failed to put up a defense.