More proof (as if you need it} that liberalism is a mental disorder

Yeah libs. You need to wake up and snap out of it. Come to the light where policies actually do more good than harm. Conservatism will forgive you. :grin:

Elizabeth Weiss, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, had a conversation with Michael Shermer of Skeptic, and guess what – anthropologists can’t ‘assume’ the gender of the remains they find because we don’t know if that person ‘identified’ as male or female.

Science is dead. Wokeism killed it.


It seems that I found a bit of extremist lefty nuttiness that even libs can’t defend.
Who knew?

This crap doesn’t stay compartmentalized, but oozes into everything.

Like a can of rotten lutefisk that splits open in your cupboard.


you side is literally carrying around sperm donor cups at his rallys. … talk about a mental disorder…



Definitely complements the ■■■■■ hats. :rofl::rofl:


I’m not excusing the sperm cups at all, that ■■■■ is stupid, but you walked right into that one.

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This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.


And here I thought this was going to be about the indeterminate percentage of skeletal remains.

A man…in a hat.

A man in a vagina hat no less.

Let’s not assign a gender to this person before we find out what they feel they are…cause that’s the new normal.

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And that is supposed to look like one?

Who is that.

Male feminist.

You’re literally a liar. A definite sign of a deranged Kamala Kult member. And you have a perverted mind.

Attention starved narcissist…same same.

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Technically not wrong. But still stupid.

So desperate to get laid.

:rofl: Whut?