More obstruction

Remove the plank.

Remind the class, who changed the rules? :thinking:

A trip down memory lane…

“The Obama administration has employed unprecedented delay tactics and in many cases an outright refusal to comply with legitimate committee oversight requests, which is why committees sought the deposition authority and are using the existing rules to give committee chairs greater latitude in issuing subpoenas,” said Doug Andres, then a spokesman for the House Rules Committee.

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Both the Nixon and Clinton impeachments were preceded by lengthy Special Counsel investigations – carried out in secret (although the Clinton inquiry leaked constantly) and without any subpoena or cross-examination power granted to the President. This “investigation” was then turned over to the House… in which the President’ party could play a substantial role.

In this instance, the AG elected to not investigate the Whistleblower complaint. (Curious AG Barr did not put any effort into determining whether an investigation was needed, but chose to shelf the complain as soon as it reached DOJ.) This led directly to the “Impeachment Investigation” in the House which is essentially playing the role of the Special Counsel – determining if there is something there.

There is no reason to treat the “Investigation” as being covered by rules similar to an “Impeachment.”

It is fairly clear that Barr made a significant error in not calling for a Special Counsel – probably because he also erred in thinking that Executive could disobey the Whistleblower Act and keep Congress in the dark. Your real complaint should be with Barr. He could have appointed the Special Counsel and then hamstrung its investigations and buried his findings much like he did with Mueller.

Trump’s supporters are now gnashing their teeth at the upshot of Barr’s mistake.

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Maybe you should take your butt hurt out on old Harry Reid who started the unilaterally blocking of hundreds of bills passed by the GOP house. Your sure didn’t mind when he started trashing all house bills. If I remember right you all cheered Harry on.
Maybe you should blame old Harry for not getting your vote on Obamas SC nominee after Harry decided that the GOP senators didn’t need to have their voices heard on judicial nominations. Remember what goes around comes around
Your side opened this can of worms now you want to cry about it being used against your side.
There was a reason for traditions in the senate and the house but because you all wanted your way and wanted to silence the other side of the aisle you tossed all those traditions out the window.
There was a reason that the founders wanted the minority to have a way to make their voices heard. But you all had no guilt about silencing those voices to get your way.
Now eat your peas.
And remember when the next dem president takes office and the house is held by the GOP and the investigations begin before he even takes office that you reap what you sow.

The GOP changed the rules that the house is using… get over it…

That is what’s happening now but in reverse. The Dems are using the rules Boehner created

As is typical of conservatives here, you are making a phony apples to oranges comparison to score points. Reid was the MINORITY leader, who insisted that bills have hearings and discussion rather than being rammed through by the majority.

McConnell is MAJORITY leader not allowing bills to be discussed.

Reid was promoting Democracy, McConnell is acting as an autocrat.

If you cannot tell the difference that is not my problem.

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Do the committees have the power to gaol persons who are found in contempt?

Why does Trump hate the USA so much that he claimed that his father was born in Germany on multiple occasions?

And don’t forget that Trump thought the 2018 election result was wonderful.

Reid was the Majority leader from 2007 -2015 and did the exact same thing. And yes he was a hypocrite just like McConnell was when he was the Minority leader.

If he did the exact same thing, name a some of the Republican bills that he blocked – other than the ACA repeal efforts which were not serious efforts at passing legislation… Most of the objections I have seen to Reid for stopping R bills focus on his period has Minority Leader focus on 2016.

You should study up on this.

How wrong can you get. Have you lived in the left wing bubble so long that you cant remember facts?
Reid was the senate majority leader.
The house was held by the GOP. Harry Reid shoved every bill they sent over in the trash. Harry Reed invoked the nuclear option so he could push Obamas court picks through without the minority party having a voice.
Best go get some new talking points since you can’t seem to remember who controlled the senate for most of Obamas eight years in office. Just because you leftist lost your 60 vote super majority after 2 years does not meant that Reid was not in control of the senate. In fact Harry was in total control of the senate from 2007-2015.
Reid promoting Democracy what a joke. The man stood and the senate floor and lied about Romney. And after Obama won reelection when he was called out for his lie. He said well we won didn’t we.
According you GOP bad, Dems are saints what a joke. Now you want to change history and not admit what your side has done.
I’m afraid I cant help you if you now don’t even know the facts of what happened.
I call out my side when I feel they have crossed the line. I can admit that they have done some shady things. But I have never once tried to change the facts.

I asked you to cite one bill that Reid shelved. You came back with a a lengthy screed but not one shred of evidence.

All I am asking for are facts to back up your claims and all you are demonstrating is how angry you are.

I acknowledge and regret you’re anger. I am still waiting for your facts.


Why did Obama hate America so much that he said he uncle liberated the Jews in Auschwitz when he didn’t? Why did Obama lie about his 1961 birth and say it was because of the Selma march when the march wasn’t until 1965? Why did Obama lie and say his father was a lowly goat herder when his father was a privileged, well education man who worked for the Kenyan government? Want me to go on?

You should state some facts.