More Fake News! WH Press Member Lays Dead MD Reporters at trump/sanders Feet

Inshallah obama.

In your own words, defend that statement.

Don’t use talking points and propaganda.

Don’t parrot what you’ve heard.

Put on some big boy pants and make a case.

Trump tweet: “They asked my daughter Ivanka whether or not the media is the enemy of the people. She correctly said no. It is the FAKE NEWS, which is a large percentage of the media, that is the enemy of the people!”

Ha ha!

Why is there a Mueller investigation?

Terrorist Trump.

it’s all part of a tactic to delegitimize everything that’s not Republican Media. it’s actually pretty smart as tactics go.

now, not much honor or integrity in it but that’s politics.

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Because Trump opened his mouth about the real reason why he fired Comey and forced his AG to appoint a special council.

well, he was a gay secret muslim born in Africa.

you miss the “?”

Yes, it is. I would tell them so if I had to deal with them here.

Doesn’t change the unhinge-ment of leftists though. And I do have to deal with it here.

I dont need to do ■■■■■

Because he is wishy washy and doesn’t understand you folks need to be punched In the face

Who’s doing the punching?? You??

Why did he fire comey?

Barack Hussein Obama? Naaaa. Stop your foolin.


Why is there a Mueller investigation? Just guess if you don’t know.

Is that what your “news” sources told you?

tell the Orioles fan. he’s the one that posts it.

You’re seeing the product of Trump’s rhetoric. This is intentional.

You still haven’t learned… or maybe in denial. Mainstream Republican hate our president. I heard Michael Steele on MSNBC today… so chatty with his MSNBC hosts. As he left he said to her… “hey … I’m just down the hall”.

They are all pretending to be in different parties. But there is the swamp party now and the American party. Trump leads the American party.