More Fake News! WH Press Member Lays Dead MD Reporters at trump/sanders Feet

Aside from what you’ve been instructed to say by the people who’ve successfully brainwashed you, why do you think this?

You… not Rush, or Sean, or any of the rest. What do you think?

AnD to think trump needed to hack voting machines to win…because the gop cant win on their policies

Obama has nothing on Trump. In less than.2 years the fat slob has hurt America far greater than 8 years of Obama.

Donald Trump will be known to history as the Great Uniter.

You will have to remain in the dark. There is so much evidence that the lib media is tearing the country apart … if you have not seen it yet, I won’t be able to open your eyes.

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Yeah, uniting everyone to kick his ass to the curb.

All you have to do is prove that.

Get to work mueller.

Who will appreciate Trump’s perp walk great, the American people or Melania?

Why did the gay jihadi obama let that happen btw??

There going to replace the Linchon Memorial with Trump Plaza of unity.

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Yeah, so much evidence. From the conservative echo chamber, not reality.

At least Trump’s presidency will make history class more entertaining for our next generation of children.

It’ll be the section with censored words from presidential declarations.

But trump is only there because obama let the russians meddle with our sacred elections, sooooo…

That happened because he was too busy running pizzagate.

Trump is there because a lot of people are morons who believe the words of a pathological liar.

The Washington Monument will be renamed to the Trump Tower.

hussein’s destructive legacy continues.

how so?..

Praise the lord for trump.

Trump is President because of 75,000 idiots.

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