More AOC slamming good people in her turd hole city

The only “victim” on that train was Neely.

Here is some details that I would like to have: Did he continue to choke him for the duration of the ride? Were there stops? if there were stops, why not get out and take the guy to security on the platform? is there security on the platforms?

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Sure, there are systemic problems. But are we really going to deputize citizens to be judge, jury, and executioner?


I will take this result over what happened here in Philadelphia a year or so ago when a young woman was raped on the subway during the day and no one helped her.


So… when a man is killed on the subway, and no one helped him - that is better?

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I will wait to I hear all the evidence on this before I make a judgment but so far it sounds like this guy and a couple others were trying to protect other riders.


Why does it have to be either one of these options ?

This gentlemen does not appear to have been doing anything except ranting and raving. Something I’ve personally witnessed dozens of times riding transit. He is not said to have physically assaulted anyone.

Choking him to death is not a proportional response, obviously.


It sure looks like you’ve made a few judgments already.

Who needed “protection?”

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Here are some details that I would like to have - how did the train keep going from station to station for 15 minutes… No cops… no conductor… i mean

There are no stations on the F more than 3-4 minutes apart.

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Aka as the slowest local train ever!

I have a soft spot for the F, I grew up on it.

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That’s me and the B train that became the D train after I moved.

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Is it riot season already?

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Maybe not

Google NYC subway assaults and draw your own conclusions.
Again, fighting back will not be tolerated by the left.

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Would you feel different if distributed homeless guy pushed someone off the platform onto the tracks?
Or is that ok because of their race, living situation and mental deficiency?
Just curious.

From inside the train?

Are you just imagining excuses to kill people?

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Defending yourself is fine. Fighting back (whatever that is) can be okay too. But flat out murdering people like this?


Depends on the amount of pressure applied to the carotid arteries.
I will submit this Marine did not intend to kill but to restrain.
An honest evaluation by a medical examiner can verify what caused the deceased to expire.
For Example, if a level of fentanyl was in the body enough to suppress the receptors in the respiratory system (George Floyd), bad outcomes are possible?

So during the course of fending off an attacker “defending yourself” things go sideways and the assailant gets killed, that’s unacceptable.