Wrong on every count. Simply secure the border and beef up interior enforcement and removal efforts.
That doesn’t require anything resembling a massive police state. We have fewer than 5000 agents nationwide currently involved with capture and removal.
If you have a bitch with local or state officials deal with them accordingly. I don’t know of any state or locale where such instances are not found and prosecuted.
You claimed we weren’t engaged in such enforcement and it was false on it’s face.
Leaves and shadows my ass, Illegals are costing us hundreds of billions of dollars each year and creating millions of US citizen crime victims not to mention all of the other associated costs to society they create.
They are by definition a “domestic problem” and damned sure need to be dealt with finally and forcefully.
That is true. I remember hearing about this shortly after she disappeared.
I would never criticize anything family members say because they are grieving and should be allowed to say whatever they wish.
That being said, there was a HUGE politicization of the Parkland shootings, with Marco Rubio and Dana Loesh being smeared and called child killers, and this continued even after it became clear the sheriff and other deputies massive failures before and during the incident.
For that reason I find it very hypocritical that some on the left are complaining about his while ignoring what happened with Parkland.
And just a few weeks later there was a mass shooting at Santa Fe in Texas, but that one faded into obscurity shortly after.
" As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union."
Respect is a two way street and must begin with respecting our laws. When laws aren’t respected, mayhem sets in. That is what I’m talking about…the mayhem that killed Mollie, not the latino heritage. I want to directly confront the person that crossed our border illegally, regardless of his race. I’m not into racism but our laws MUST be enforced and I am against the mayhem that sets in when our laws are not respected…period.
Just the record, you were the one saying that Seth Rich’s parents were “helping to cover up his murder” because “they chose beng Democrats over being parents” right?
A white guy went on tv to plead for the return of his pregnant wife and children… Then we find out he killed the whole family… Should we focus only on white people now?