‘MOB’ MENTALITY: Top Dem Says ‘MOB’ Same Term Used by ‘Segregationists’ in 1960s | Sean Hannity

Democratic philanthropist, activist, and billionaire Tom Steyer weighed-in this week on President Trump’s use of the term “mob” to describe violent anti-GOP activists throughout the country; suggesting similar language was used by “segregationists” in the 1960s.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/mob-mentality-top-dem-says-mob-same-term-used-by-segregationists-in-1960s/?fbclid=IwAR3TB2AVB8au2l3W3bXZNN7WiPqP8V4EPATCX0ZAQdzot-Mle6SXXuBPCpU