MLK Book banning due to CRT

The formerly oppressed is now the bully.



Why do you keep linking to this? It’s a very poor attempt

Why is this odd? Members of a system, can’t improve that system?

Nope. Absolutely correctly.

Of course.

So you can’t hide it.

Critical theory is not an “improvement”.

But what you linked is an anecdote. Not only that… but there is not evidence that there is curriculum put in place where that particular teacher is teaching the theory of CRT.

You© got caught. Pushed too hard. Covid homeschool got you© too.

CRT is not Critical theory. You continue to misunderstand this. Which is surprising because you claim to be learned on this subject

:rofl: What do you feel Critical Theory is?


Of course it is. You’re not even trying anymore. It’s in the name…

Caught doing what exactly? I have yet to see a lesson plan or a video of one where a school district advocates for making white kids feel inferior/superior/guilty… which is what conservative carens claim is happening.


Better luck next time.

Apple Inc is the same as the fruit apple… how do I know? ITS IN THE NAME!

Burger King is an actual King… how do I know? ITS IN THE NAME!!

Stop pretending.

Stop with weak arguments like “well it is the same because part of it is in the name”

It’s lazy. You know better.

Read the source material. Do your research. Stop pretending.

I looked at all of the sources in Critical Race Theory: An Introduction… and not a single reference to Critical Theory books/sources.

Aren’t they professionally required to reference material used in their book?

Improve? They are the problem. You can improve things without dividing everyone up by race and gender. Remember…race is a social construct.

A suggestion to the educators involved…since you are the system, if you want to end racism, why are you so racist?