Miracle saves the Great Salt Lake . . . Alarmist science foiled again

Sounds right. I’ve seen Arizona. sooner or later there will be visually obvious results to the poor practices there.

It is easy to imagine that Utah, if they are doing the same also . . . sooner or later
. . . will have visually obvious problems.

Where we disagree is on what to make of this instance of scientific claptrap.

Have a good night

No, it’s just constantly changing due to new facts being discovered.

Wrong, false (and totally made up)

In this case the facts were discovered and reported by valid non-alarmist scientists before the incorrect politically-motivated scientists sounded their false report.

  • Natural Resources Conservation Service (of the Biden administration) Looked at the data in Jan and released a Feb report saying “There is no current problem this year.”

  • They looked at the data again in Feb and said the same thing in a Mar report.

  • The the NOAA Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (also of the Biden administration)

Then . . . .
After that . . . .
politically- driven scientists who also double as lobbyists, despite access to the same information

  • claimed the opposite was true.
  • apparently claimed all scientists were on their side.

The idea that “it’s just constantly changing due to new facts being discovered,” is completely 100% imaginary on your part.


It makes it awfully convient when you can just change the facts as you see fit to support global warming.


It’s kind of the same deal there (global warming).

  • The already left-leaning IPCC says “sea levels will rise 17 inches in 100 years.”
  • Pseudoscientists try to grab heandlines by releasing largely-false information about polar bears and baseball being ruined
  • The media makes it worse by turning those into gaspy alarmist click-bait articles about “tipping points” and “a need to act now.”

Speaking of this being discussed months ago when the hair was still on fire.

December’s big storms, eh? :thinking:

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And now it’s not. Man is not in control.

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How convenient.

And impossible to base policy on.

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Come on maaaaaaaaaaan…sheople gotta eat but do you think they’ll regurgibleat this truth? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Not scientists. ALARMIST scientists.

It’s right there in the title.

Hope that helps.

Those poor “scientists” though…


It’s a good thing for them they aren’t being paid for their accuracy?



:sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :+1: :grinning:


great thread!!

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The endless predictions of global climate warming change calamities are a joke and a lie. Instead of listening to alarmist fools telling us the earth is going to end in (insert # of years here) let’s look at the history of all the times stupid people have told us about catastrophic events that never occurred.


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And you wanna know the thing that scares me the most about the global climate warming change stupid people.

He bought and paid for Chinese stooge they put in the White House seems hell bent on crippling American energy policy and production in the name of the climate lie.

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…that each one cancels the vote of a voter who is cognizant of the actual reality surrounding them.

It didn’t.
Thanks for trying…