Miracle saves the Great Salt Lake . . . Alarmist science foiled again

The endless predictions of global climate warming change calamities are a joke and a lie. Instead of listening to alarmist fools telling us the earth is going to end in (insert # of years here) let’s look at the history of all the times stupid people have told us about catastrophic events that never occurred.


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And you wanna know the thing that scares me the most about the global climate warming change stupid people.

He bought and paid for Chinese stooge they put in the White House seems hell bent on crippling American energy policy and production in the name of the climate lie.

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…that each one cancels the vote of a voter who is cognizant of the actual reality surrounding them.

It didn’t.
Thanks for trying…

Another post not understanding how science works.


You are correct. Perhaps we should treat the fraud that is the religion of climate change as a leading indicator of the credibility of the kook fringe left.

Why for example is the former vice president still lecturing us about climate?

“Among the unfortunate aspects of the global warming issue is the blatant dishonesty prevalent among many of the theory’s proponents.

Let’s start with Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” which was, ironically, loaded with half-truths and untruths: no, the state of Florida is not sinking into the ocean; no, hurricanes are not getting more numerous or stronger; and no, the snows of Kilimanjaro have not melted away as predicted (in fact, some glaciers there are over 100 feet thick today.) Nonetheless, the movie succeeded: Gore got wealthy; and a whole generation of school children, many of whom are now young adults, think their parents ruined the planet.” OpEd: Global warming dishonesty is the real inconvenient truth

People like you and I Smyrna have been getting talked down to daily by people pushing radical climate bs…yet we aren’t the ones who are always wrong they are.

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The same people who told us daily that “Donald Trump is a Russian agent” are now the ones looking the other way while Joe Biden’s soft on China policies empower an adversary out the replace our superpower status….ignoring the evidence that Biden’s family has collected millions from China and that Joe lied about it.

Those same people are the ones who’ve been wrong about the climate crisis for decades.

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Looks at all the data declares "Too much sun exposure causes skin cancer. One day it will probably even cause an epidemic.

Alarmist psuedo-scientist sees a pimple and a freckle and declares:
“There is epidemic of skin cancer happening now now now. You must enact my anti-corporate agenda now now now!”


Your own article shows it wasn’t February when the “alarmists” first made their claims, but as far back as early 2021.

And even your own article says this:

Even with Utah’s record-breaking winter, the state is still in a drought.

Conservation efforts are still needed and necessary to get the Great Salt Lake healthy again.

Water water everywhere… And snow. But, I’m sure NOAA will report record heat in north east Siberia and in central africa… Or some place where the weather stations are few and far between, lol!

Hmm so much for
Evil corporation are draining the watershed."

It looks more like a garden variety drought a garden variety heavy winter each other, all 100% within the cycles of periodic drought and periodic deluge. These things existed long before man. Man does not cause these things
Will Utah eventually have a watershed crises? I assume so. Meanwhile there is a reason the boy who cried wolf is a bad boy.

You may be correct about that…here is a graph of GSL water levels since the first settlements popped up there in 1847.

Now this graph doesn’t go to 2023, but even with a record breaking winter, the levels are still in the yellow.

But the second half of the graph only has average water levels about three feet lower than the average of the first graph.

So we don’t know…yet.

But we do know that even with the record breaking snowfall, GSL is still at the low end of its capacity since we have been measuring it.

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Calif is awash with water and flooded, and they’re dumping most of it into the Pacific Ocean.

a year from now we’ll be hearing about droughts again. :roll_eyes:


The lake been drying up for last 15 thousand years…but hey what do I know.


California water policies are stupid. Figure out a way to save and store the excess today…so it’s there tomorrow.

That would be the low end of its historical levels. Not the low end of its capacity. The capacity is over 4000 feet, and we’re looking at a 20-foot difference from historical highs to historical lows. The difference is a half percent of capacity, so we’re magnitudes away from the low end of its capacity.

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Yes it has…the question is at what rate and has that rate accelerated?

That of course would be difficult to acsertain the cause as the lake’s resources have been used by humans as well.

I am very much of the belief that unsustainable water use is a bigger threat to water reservoirs than climate change.

In many places across the country, “disasters” today are the result of man trying to tame nature generations ago.

Some of the most fertile farmland in Calif is the lake bed of what used to be the largest (in area) freshwater lake west of the Mississippi. But years ago (generations ago) they diverted the rivers that fed the lake. The water was used for irrigation, and the lake dried up. The land was used for more farmland. But Mother Nature won’t be tamed forever. The lake is coming back this year, and all the towns and farms build in the decades after the lake disappeared are getting flooded. As much as 20-30 feet deep.

Stock up on almonds if they are a favorite snack.

OK…with this we can agree.